Reframing Disability

Manga's Portrayals of Deaf Characters
Yoshiko Okuyama, a professor of Japanese studies at the University of Hawai’i at Hilo, discusses "Reframing Disability in Manga" (University of Hawaii Press 2020).
Yoshiko Okuyama, a professor of Japanese studies at the University of Hawai’i at Hilo, discusses "Reframing Disability in Manga" (University of Hawaii Press 2020), which she wrote after interviewing manga artists, conducting archival research, and visiting events and organizations serving disability communities in Japan as a Japan Foundation fellow. This event took place on October 18, 2021. It was co-sponsored by the Central NY Humanities Corridor and the East Asia+ media collective.
In addition to inclusive programming, one of the aims of the EastAsia+ initiative is to support media-rich scholarship that goes beyond the written word. This event, live-streamed with live ASL interpretation, embodied that goal in both content and practice.