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Cornell International Education Network

Cornell International Education Network (CIEN) promotes resource sharing and professional development among staff and faculty in international education.

This 30-year-old campus networking group brings together Cornell employees at all levels and on all campuses working in the international sphere. Our members range across international programming, student affairs, international student services, exchange programs and study abroad, libraries, academic departments and centers, and beyond.

We encourage you to attend our meetings and expand your network of Cornell colleagues with shared professional interests.


Current Cornell faculty and staff may subscribe to the CIEN listserv by sending an email with no message and the word "join" in the subject line. We communicate on this list with 250 Cornell employees from multiple Cornell campuses. We encourage CIEN colleagues to share resources, opportunities, special events, annual reports, and other information of interest to our Cornell employee network.

CIEN Leadership

2024–25 Co-Chairs

  • Juan Jimenez (International Health, Safety, and Security at Global Operations)
  • Margaret Price (Academic Programs at the Einaudi Center)