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South Asia Program Faculty Kaushik Basu writes this opinion piece about the hope that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris bring. 
Despite China's desire to move away from the dollar-denominated international financial system, the economies of China and the US "are still quite...
In this opinion piece, Kaushik Basu describes how India's handling of the pandemic threatens to derail the nation's competitive advantage in the...
Informed by SAP faculty Kaushik Basu, this analysis foretells that India's southern states fall in population, while northern states rise.
A government payoff from the TikTok deal sets a "dangerous precedent" say SAP faculty Eswar Prasad.
“If there is turmoil, you want safety,” says SAP faculty Eswar Prasad as he gives his insights on the decline of the dollar in this Financial Times...
SAP faculty Eswar Prasad quoted in Bloomberg: "“The phase-one trade deal between the U.S. and China hangs by a thread."
An interview with SAP's Kaushik Basu: "India’s sharp slowdown had begun two years before the pandemic and the way the lockdown was executed has given...