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Marina Welker, SEAP

Though they’re banned in the United States and many other countries, clove-laced tobacco cigarettes called “kretek” (referencing the crackling sound...

Christine Bacareza Balance, SEAP/GPV

"Revisiting Apocalypse Now: Hollywood in a Time and Place of Philippine Martial Law" features Global Public Voices alum Christine Bacareza Balance...

Featuring Carol J. Colfer

This book, the third of a series, shows how shifting cultivators, from the Himalayan foothills to the Pacific Islands, have devised ways to improve...

By Alyssa Brundage '24

Einaudi's Southeast Asia Program sponsored a unique winter break study abroad opportunity. A participant describes the experience.

By Magnus Fiskesjö

The Wa is an ethnicity in the borderlands of China and Myanmar (Burma). In the 1950s and 1960s, their ancient land was divided for the first time by...

Victoria Beard, SEAP/GPV

Victoria Beard, professor of city and regional planning, says “Water sources are depleted around the world. Every year, more cities will face ‘Day...

A review from the New York Review of Books

The New York Review of Books has recently published a lovely review of "The Coalitions Presidents Make: Presidential Power and Its Limits in...

Eric Tagliacozzo, CMSP/SEAP

In this PBS video produced with Cornell's Migrations initiative, CMSP director Eric Tagliacozzo describes how trade, religion, and smuggling shaped...

Congratulations to Tamar Law and Made Adityanandana!

Thirty-one graduate students across three colleges have been awarded research grants from the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability. The grants...

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Recordings of some of our recent Gatty Lectures are available on YouTube!