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Amr Leheta

Amr Leheta headshot

Graduate Student, Near Eastern Studies

Amr Leheta is a PhD student in Cornell University's Department of Near Eastern Studies.

He was a research associate for Middle Eastern studies at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, DC, from 2014 to 2018. There, he worked on numerous research projects related to U.S.-Middle East foreign policy, with a particular focus on Egypt and Turkey, as well as Middle Eastern history, politics, and society.

As an undergraduate and then an master's student, Amr's research interests primarily spanned issues within the field of Middle Eastern history, but also international relations and political science, covering questions on modernity, state- and nation-building, Islamic modernism and political secularism, and the challenges of democratization. As a doctoral student, Leheta is examining the history of the mid-twentieth-century Middle East, particularly Egypt in its first postcolonial years.

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  • Student
  • Graduate Student
