Quechua Language Available at Cornell!

June 17, 2022
Academic Year 2022-23
Do your family members speak Quechua and you want to learn? Want to do Senior Thesis Research in Peru, Bolivia or Ecuador? Enroll in Quechua classes for the upcoming school year.
Quechua Classes Quechua I (FA22-QUECH 1210) and Quechua II (SP23-QUECH 1220) will be taught by Janeth Arias, a native speaker from Bolivia. The course meet time (TBD) will be set by near-consensus at the first meeting.
This course counts towards the Latin American Studies (LAS) Minor Elective credits (not Language) for a LA Studies Minor. It does not count as the CAS language requirement.
For more information, contact Bill Phelan, Program Manager, Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program, lacs@cornell.edu