Study Abroad Opportunity
Southeast Asia Program
Engage in advanced research and cultural exchange in Cambodia with the Junior Resident Fellows Program.
Institute for African Development
The Institute for African Development outreach site provides online resources for New York State teachers, community college faculty research opportunities, materials for advanced study on Africa, and extension opportunities for educators.
Institute for African Development
IAD offers research grants to enrolled Cornell PhD students to conduct field research in Africa.
Institute for African Development
Global Development encourages students to learn from and with communities both locally and globally.
Institute for African Development
The Seminar on Issues in African Development series examines a broad range of critical concerns in contemporary Africa.
Southeast Asia Program
Earn two semesters of language credit at SEASSI this summer!
Study Abroad Opportunity
Southeast Asia Program
Study Indonesian language and culture in Salatiga, Indonesia.
Study Abroad Opportunity
South Asia Program
Ashoka University is a leading liberal arts university in Sonipat, India, serving 4,500 domestic and international students. As a Cornell Global Hubs partner, Ashoka fosters high-impact opportunities and international exchange for Cornell students.
South Asia Program
A major in Asian Studies is rewarding for students of all backgrounds, as the global presence of Asia becomes ever more visible.
Latin American and Caribbean Studies
LACS welcomes Cornell graduates in all fields of study who are interested in studying and conducting research in Latin America or the Caribbean to apply for the Latin American studies minor.
Graduate Requirements
You can earn a graduate minor in Latin American studies by completing the following simple requirements: