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Southeast Asia Program

June Millington solo performance: CU Music

April 20, 2024

7:00 pm

Klarman Hall, Rhodes-Rawlings Auditorium

Before the Go-Go’s or the Riot Grrrl movement, there was Fanny, the first all-women rock band to be signed by a major label, record five albums, and tour internationally. Championed by David Bowie, Bonnie Raitt, Joe Elliot and others, Fanny defied the “isms” through undeniable talent. In 1987 June Millington, with her partner and co-founder Ann Hackler, founded the nonprofit Institute for the Musical Arts (IMA) a teaching, performing, and recording facility to support women in music. Feminist, queer, and multicultural from the beginning, IMA is located on 25 acres in Western Massachusetts where they offer rock camps for girls and young women each summer. Tonight, June performs a solo concert.

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Southeast Asia Program

Film screening of Fanny! The Right To Rock: CU Music

April 18, 2024

7:30 pm

Lincoln Hall, B20

Before the Go-Go’s or the Riot Grrrl movement, there was Fanny, the first all-women rock band to be signed by a major label, record five albums, and tour internationally. Championed by David Bowie, Bonnie Raitt, Joe Elliot and others, Fanny defied the “isms” through undeniable talent. This 2021 film directed by Bobbi Jo Hart profiles the band and features archival footage, new material, and interviews with numerous music icons about the band’s impact.

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Southeast Asia Program

Music and Sound Studies Colloquium: June Millington, co-founder of Fanny, discusses her life, her art, and the joys and troubles of being the first badass “girl group” in rock

April 18, 2024

4:30 pm

Lincoln Hall, B21

Before the Go-Go’s or the Riot Grrrl movement, there was Fanny, the first all-women rock band to be signed by a major label, record five albums, and tour internationally. Championed by David Bowie, Bonnie Raitt, Joe Elliot and others, Fanny defied the “isms” through undeniable talent. In 1987 June, with her partner and co-founder Ann Hackler, founded the nonprofit Institute for the Musical Arts (IMA) a teaching, performing, and recording facility to support women in music. Feminist, queer and multicultural from the beginning, IMA is located on 25 acres in Western Massachusetts where they offer rock camps for girls and young women each summer.

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Southeast Asia Program

Communication against Capital - Forthcoming

Text reading "Cornell University Press, Cover Coming Soon"

Author: Rianne Subijanto

Communication Against Capital explores the revolutionary communication strategies of the pergerakan merah, the anticolonial "red movement" in 1920s Indonesia. Rianne Subijanto tells the story of ordinary lower-class women, children, and people of diverse races and ethnicities who waged their battles against Dutch colonialism within multiple arenas of communication, including political associations, assemblies, printed matter, schools, and shipping lines.



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Publication Details

Publication Year: 2025

ISBN: 9781501778667

For the Sake of Forests and Gods - Forthcoming

Text reading "Cornell University Press, Cover Coming Soon"

Author: Wolfram H. Dressler

For the Sake of Forests and Gods documents the consequences of nonstate actors impinging upon the existence of the Indigenous peoples in the remote highlands of Palawan Island, The Philippines. Nimble, focused, and well-funded, religious and environmental organizations increasingly assume governmental authority over the lives and livelihoods of the Pala'wan people within their ancestral territories.



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Publication Details

Publication Year: 2025

ISBN: 9781501779268

A Displaced Nation - Forthcoming

Text reading "Cornell University Press, Cover Coming Soon"

Author: Phi-Van Nguyen

In A Displaced Nation, Phi-Van Nguyen argues that the displacement of eighty thousand mostly Roman Catholic evacuees from North Vietnam in 1954 had a profound impact on the war opposing Saigon on both Hanoi and on the evacuees themselves. Assisting with the transportation, emergency relief, and resettlement of the evacuees allowed diverse organizations and the United States to support Saigon. This transnational mobilization also convinced the evacuees the "free world" would never let Vietnam remain divided.



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Publication Details

Publication Year: 2024

ISBN: 9781501778612

Chasing Archipelagic Dreams - Forthcoming

Text reading "Cornell University Press, Cover Coming Soon"

Author: David R. Saunders

In Chasing Archipelagic Dreams, David R. Saunders demonstrates that the withdrawal of the British imperial state from Sabah did not result in the decolonization of the territory. From the late 1940s to the 1960s, international anti-colonialism interacted with regional competition over Sabah to result in a paradoxical increase of British power and influence on the ground. Meanwhile, ethnic, social, and political heterogeneity in Sabah contributed to fragmentation and disunity, undermining the development of a local anti-colonial movement.



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Publication Details

Publication Year: 2024

ISBN: 9781501777745

Amir Sjarifoeddin - Forthcoming

Text reading "Cornell University Press, Cover Coming Soon"

Author: Rudolf Mrázek

Amir Sjarifoeddin explores the experiences of a central figure in the Indonesian revolution, whose life mirrored the idealism and contradictions of the anti-colonial and post-war world of twentieth century Indonesia.



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Publication Details

Publication Year: 2024

ISBN: 9781501777462

Contesting Indonesia - Forthcoming

Text reading "Cornell University Press, Cover Coming Soon"

Author: Kirsten E. Schulze

Contesting Indonesia explains Islamist, separatist and communal violence across Indonesian history since 1945. In a sweeping argument that connects endemic violence to a national narrative, Kirsten E. Schulze finds that the outbreak of violence is related to competing local notions of the national imaginary as well as contentious belonging.



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Publication Details

Publication Year: 2024

ISBN: 9781501777677

The Politics of Coercion - Forthcoming

Text reading "Cornell University Press, Cover Coming Soon"

Author: Neil Loughlin

In The Politics of Coercion, Neil Loughlin explains the persistence of Cambodia's authoritarian regime for more than four decades. It provides a historically grounded investigation of the country's ruling coalition: political elites, many drawn from within the state's coercive apparatus who, in coordination with state-dependent tycoons, have come to control Cambodia's politics and its economy. Loughlin presents new empirical data foregrounding the coercive underpinnings of the modern Cambodian state and its party, the Cambodian People's Party (CPP).



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  • Book

Publication Details

Publication Year: 2024

ISBN: 9781501776588

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