Call for Applications: IES Graduate Fellows

The Institute for European Studies aims to become a focal point at Cornell for an interdisciplinary European Studies research community. To this end, we are inviting applications for the 2024-25 cohort of 6-10 IES Graduate Fellows.
The IES Fellows will advance their research on a Europe-related topic, and participate in the European Studies community by regularly attending and engaging in IES-hosted talks in-person, as well as by organizing and taking part in a graduate research workshop/discussion group, and in other collective activities.
The Institute will support these activities by providing a small ($500) research stipend to each Fellow. IES Fellows will also receive priority when applying for IES summer and semester research and travel fellowships.
Any PhD student across Cornell colleges and departments is eligible to apply if they will be enrolled and present on campus in 2024-25.
To apply, please submit a brief proposal explaining your research interests and how they relate to European Studies (2 pages or less), as well as a C.V. and the name of one recommender (ideally the student’s dissertation adviser) who can provide details about the student’s academic promise and activities.
Applications are due May 3, 2024. Materials should be sent to the IES Program Manager Patricia Young, at: