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Lund Critical Debate

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Noted experts in international affairs meet on Cornell’s campus for the Einaudi Center’s annual Lund Critical Debate. These debates on pressing issues in world news and policy are moderated by Einaudi Center faculty.

April 11, 2024: Getting to Climate Justice

This hybrid event explored how citizens and policymakers worldwide can act to increase justice in our shared climate crisis.

Lund debate 2024 climate justice, Emma Ractliffe holding mic
Lund debate 2024 hybrid, two speakers with third speaker on screen
Lund debate 2024 climate justice, Kate Aronoff speaking
  • Kate Aronoff: climate journalist, The New Republic
  • Joshua Busby: security expert, University of Texas at Austin

Cornell Chronicle: Lund Panelists Chart Different Paths to Climate Justice; YouTube: Watch the Video

Past Lund Debates

2023: Democracy and Its Opposites

  • Thomas E. Garrett, Community of Democracies

  • Damon Wilson, National Endowment for Democracy

Cornell Chronicle: Lund Debate to Bring Democracy Experts into Conversation; YouTube: Watch the Video

Wilson and Garrett, Lund Debate April 2023
Damon Wilson (left) and Thomas E. Garrett (middle), with Einaudi Center director Rachel Beatty Riedl on April 24, 2023.

2022: Migration in the Age of Pandemics

  • Dr. Zsuzsanna Jakab, World Health Organization Deputy Director-General
  • Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chair

Cornell Chronicle: Lund Debate Examines Migrations, Global Public Health, YouTube: Watch the Video

2020: The Police and the Public

  • Luís Carrilho, United Nations Police Adviser 
  • Christian Davenport, University of Michigan 

Cornell Chronicle: Lund Critical Debate to Address Global Policing, Social Justice, YouTube: Watch the Video

2019: U.S.-Mexico Relations Under Trump

  • Sandra Fuentes-Berain, Mexican Ambassador Emeritus

  • Roberta Jacobson, Former U.S. Ambassador to Mexico

Cornell Chronicle: Ambassadors to Address Border Policy, Cornell Daily Sun: Status Quo or Radical Change?