Einaudi Welcome Reception

150 Guests Celebrated Einaudi's Impact
The Einaudi Center's annual reception on October 3 connected faculty, staff, campus leaders, and friends from across Cornell.
The Einaudi Center welcomed 150 guests to Uris Hall Terrace for a fall gathering celebrating Einaudi's vibrant intellectual community. The well-attended event brought together affiliated faculty and faculty new this year to Cornell in numbers not seen since 2019. Their research interests and expertise span the globe. Learn more about Einaudi's regional and thematic programs and initiatives.
The attendees enjoyed a sunny afternoon with a playlist of world music from Einaudi's own Daniel Bass, South Asia Program manager and Monsoon Radio DJ.
“The Einaudi Center's transnational perspective, the diversity and depth of our faculty expertise, and the range of our partnerships drive innovative collaborations and let us see new solutions.”
Einaudi Center director Rachel Beatty Riedl kicked off the event with remarks highlighting the center's core commitments: collaborations that advance knowledge, advocacy and thought leadership to inform global publics, and teaching and learning that open doors to new worlds.
Riedl highlighted a range of ways for faculty to get involved, including applying for Global Public Voices (due October 13) and exploratory seed grants with Cornell Global Hubs partners (due October 21).
She invited attendees to join Einaudi, the Cornell community, and representatives from Global Hubs around the world at the Global Grand Challenges Symposium: Frontiers and the Future on November 16–17. Register for the symposium.