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H.R. McMaster to Speak on America’s Standing and Security at Dec. 8 Book Talk

book cover of Battlegrounds by H.R. McMaster
December 7, 2020

Sarah Kreps, PACS

Former National Security Advisor, H.R. McMaster, Lt. General, U.S. Army, retired, will speak to the Cornell community about foreign policy, national security, and America’s standing in the world. The virtual event will be held on Dec. 8 at 6 p.m.

The event, Battlegrounds: A Conversation with H.R. McMaster, offers an examination of McMaster’s eponymous new book. Organized by Cornell’s non-partisan Institute of Politics and Global Affairs (IOPGA), the event will be a discussion with former Congressman Steve Israel, director of the institute and professor of practice in the Department of Government, Chris Riback, host of various podcasts on politics, business, technology, science, education and the arts, including, Chris Riback’s Conversations, and Sarah Kreps, John L. Wetherill Professor, Department of Government and faculty fellow with IOPGA and the Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies.

"Armed with a PhD in history, 34 years of service in the U.S. Army, and most recently, White House experience in his capacity as the National Security Advisor, retired Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster lends an unparalleled perspective about the successes and failures in recent wars, how to navigate the current geostrategic landscape, and what to expect with the future of warfare," said Kreps.

McMaster is the author of the bestselling classic Dereliction of Duty, on the Vietnam conflict. His new book, Battlegrounds, offers a groundbreaking reassessment of America’s place in the world. In it, he calls for Americans and citizens of the free world to transcend the vitriol of partisan political discourse, better educate themselves about the most significant challenges to national and international security, and work together to secure peace and prosperity for future generations.

“The Institute of Politics and Global Affairs is dedicated to elevating public discourse and stimulating civic engagement. Our mission is to provide Cornell students with access to key decision-makers on both sides of the aisle. We’ve featured everyone from Reince Priebus, President Donald Trump’s former chief of staff, to Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi,” Israel said. “General McMaster will give our students an unparalleled view of global affairs that have become more volatile and complex than ever.”

Jessica Ames is program coordinator for Global Cornell; she supports both the Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies and the Institute of Politics and Global Affairs.

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