Memorial Statement for Catherine Kelleher

We are saddened to report that Catherine Kelleher, a long-time participant in projects in PACS, has died.
Catherine’s first visit to the Peace Studies Program, as it was then known, was in 1980 to give a Thursday seminar, and for the next 35 years she was a frequent collaborator in the program’s projects. Together with Judith Reppy, she organized three sessions of the Winter Course of the International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts (ISODARCO) in Andalo, Italy, in which Cornell students and faculty participated, and they also collaborated on two major research projects on nuclear disarmament: “Getting to Zero; The Path to Nuclear Disarmament” (2011) and “Stability at Low Nuclear Numbers” (2014-17). Over the years she was a generous mentor to several generations of our graduate students, including Matthew Evangelista, Eugene Cobble, and Debak Das.
Catherine believed in building institutions as well as encouraging individual scholars. One such institution was the Center for International Security Studies at the University of Maryland (CISSM). Here is the link to their memorial statement:
Those who knew Catherine will miss her wisdom, energy, and sense of humor. Her memory lives on in the institutions she fostered and the colleagues she mentored and befriended.