Oumar Issoufou Adamou

Bouriez Family Fellow 2023–24
Oumar Issoufou Adamou is IAD's 2023–24 Bouriez Family Fellow. The Bouriez Family Fellowship sponsors exceptional students from Francophone Africa as they pursue professional training in law or global development.
Oumar Issoufou Adamou is the 2023–24 Bouriez Family Fellow. He hails from the Republic of Niger in West Africa's Sahel region. His research interest as an MPS student in Global Development is climate change and food security challenges in the Sahel, with the goal of strengthening food production systems for those with limited resources.
Before coming to Cornell, he worked for the government newspapers Le Sahel and Sahel Dimanche. Oumar also has experience with social safety net programs, serving on one of the data-collecting teams for a Niamey-based research organization, where he collected data for a World Bank–funded rural Niger program.
In November 2022, his article titled "Maternal and Child Health: Low Awareness of Danger Signs During Pregnancy" won an award in UNICEF's Neonatal and Child Health Media Competition (print media category). In January 2023, he participated in a climate change journalism fellowship program in Accra, Ghana, which gave him a more thorough understanding of the challenges affecting the agricultural system in sub-Saharan Africa.
His primary goal is to help people make the best decisions for their lives and communities by improving food production despite climate constraints. His focus will contribute to African social and economic growth through food production. After completing the MPS program, he intends to return to Africa and work with public international organizations or NGOs on development issues and agriculture.