Of Plants, Place, and Politics

New IES Faculty Research Pod
IES is pleased to announce the awarding of our second faculty research pod: “Of Plants, Place, and Politics” [Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union]”.
The pod brings together several faculty from across Cornell departments and colleges whose work focuses on the region(s) covered by the Association of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES). The pod team will be meeting monthly to workshop draft research papers in an interdisciplinary setting. They will also organize a symposium of faculty research related to Soviet/post-Soviet history and politics and the environment/landscape.
More broadly, under the rubric “Of Plants, Place, and Politics,” the pod will focus on the intersection of environmental, cultural and political themes, discussing how the changing climate (in all senses of the word) relates to their research, teaching, collegial networks and collaborations, public scholarship and advocacy, and the institutional support available to international and interdisciplinary studies of this region.
Participating Faculty:
Maria C. Taylor, Department of Landscape Architecture, Assistant Professor
Cristina Florea, History, Assistant Professor
Mari F. Jarris, German Studies, Provost New Faculty Fellow and incoming Assistant Professor
Lori Khatchadourian, Department of Near Eastern Studies & Anthropology, Associate Professor
Sophie Pinkham, Comparative Literature, Professor of Practice
Bryn McCammon Rosenfeld, Government, Assistant Professor
Leila Wilmers, Sociology, Postdoctoral Associate