SEA Digital Library Undergraduate Paper Award

Deadline extended!
The deadline has been extended for the Southeast Asia Digital Library Undergraduate Paper Award! You now have until June 24th to submit your research papers for consideration. First and second place winning papers will be published on the Southeast Asia Digital Library and first place will also receive a book package from SEAP Publications.
Need a refresher on the competition rules?
Applicants Eligibility
Applicants must be current undergraduate students at CORMOSEA affiliated institutions* at the time of submission. Applicants must agree that, should they win, their papers will be made openly accessible and published online on the Southeast Asia Digital Library
Paper Eligibility
Eligible papers must be within the field of Southeast Asian Studies and reference primary source materials. Papers may be written for a class or independent study within the past three academic years: Spring 2019 - Spring 2022. Papers must be between six to twenty pages in length, excluding references and figures.
Evaluation Criteria
Winning papers will demonstrate the student’s ability to support original research with analysis of primary source materials. Papers that reference materials held in Southeast Asia Digital Library collections will be given increased consideration.
Submission Materials
Submission packets should include a cover page containing the paper title, author name, author email, institutional affiliation, and date. Papers should be submitted as a separate PDF document listing only the title. No author information should be included in the paper itself to allow for blind evaluation.
Submission packets should be emailed to no later than June 24th, 2022
*CORMOSEA Affiliated Institutions: Arizona State University; Cornell University; Harvard University; Indiana University, Bloomington; Michigan State University; Northern Illinois University; Ohio University; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Los Angeles; University of California, Riverside; University of Hawai’i at Manoa; University of Michigan; University of Washington; University of Wisconsin-Madison; Yale University