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Victoria Beard, SEAP/GPV
Victoria Beard, professor of city and regional planning, says “Water sources are depleted around the world. Every year, more cities will face ‘Day...
Jessica Chen Weiss, EAP
In recent years, the party has really become increasingly concerned about what it sees as the roots of the Soviet Union's collapse, said Jessica Chen...
Sarah Kreps, PACS
Sarah Kreps, professor of government, joins Inside Story to discuss the potential TikTok ban in the U.S.
Bryn Rosenfeld, IES
“Russia’s presidential election is not so important as what will come after. Putin has often postponed unpopular moves until after elections,” says...
Sarah Kreps, PACS
TechCrunch highlights Sarah Kreps, professor of government, and her contributions to the AI revolution.
Sarah Kreps, PACS
“I’m just not confident that this will actually side-step the free speech concerns that have been raised with previous attempts to ban TikTok,” says...
Robert Hockett, CRADLE
Robert Hockett, professor of law, explains what could happen when insider trading occurs too frequently.
Virginia Doellgast, IES
Virginia Doellgast, professor of employment relations and dispute resolution, explains how to introduce AI in ways that lead to less employee...
Desiree LeClercq, Einaudi
Nonunion workers and their role in the upcoming presidential elections are discussed in this opinion piece written by Desiree LeClercq, assistant...
Nicholas Mulder, IES
“This is the first geopolitical crisis without all of the major Asian economies on board. The West does not have decisive economic power anymore....