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Christine Bacareza Balance, SEAP / GPV

“They’re moving through the world in a way where they don’t feel like they have to explain themselves,” says Christine Bacareza Balance, associate...

Sharif Hozoori, SAP

Sharif Hozoori, an Afghan political historian, writes on Taliban rule since August 2021. He is an IIE-SRF fellow and visiting scholar based in...

Ed Mabaya, IAD

“I believe in the power of technologies in transforming agriculture and rural development,” said Ed Mabaya, research professor in global development....

Kaushik Basu, SAP

“If you look at the overall data — GDP growth, the entire national income growing, India’s doing moderately well. The bottom end of India is not doing...

Rachel Bezner Kerr, IAD

Rachel Bezner Kerr, professor of global development, says: “In some regions of the world it will become not possible to grow food, or to raise...

Robert Hockett, CRADLE

“There’s a public ritual that lawmakers feel a need to engage in to yell about ‘holding the fat cats responsible,’” says Robert Hockett, professor of...

Kaushik Basu, SAP

Kaushik Basu, professor of economics, weighs on on Twitter's decision to offer paid-only verifications.

Stephen Yale-Loehr and Gunisha Kaur, Migrations

Migrations coleads and faculty fellows Stephen Yale-Loehr, Cornell Law, and Gunisha Kaur, Weill Cornell, coauthor this review article, which appears...

Eswar Prasad, SAP

“The Chinese economy has clearly shaken off its Covid-related malaise and is settling into a trajectory of decent if unspectacular growth,” says Eswar...

Eswar Prasad, SAP

Coverage of a new paper written by Eswar Prasad, professor of trade policy, on China's economy.