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Sarah Kreps, Einaudi
“I think the challenge with regulation of new technologies is whether governments act too quickly or fail to act quickly enough,” says Sarah Kreps,...
Eswar Prasad, SAP/Einaudi
Eswar Prasad, professor of economics and international trade policy, writes this opinion piece about China’s economic challenges.
Stephen Yale-Loehr, Migrations/Einaudi
“People should not think that Title 42 somehow miraculously saves us from having to deal with immigration,” says Stephen Yale-Loehr, professor of...
Lourdes Casanova, LACS/GPV
“China views semiconductors as a strategic resource. Therefore, it wants to become self-sufficient in all aspects of advanced chip design and...
Rachel Bezner Kerr, Einaudi
“Every increased amount of warming will increase the risk of severe impacts, and so the more (rapidly) we can take strong action to reduce greenhouse...
Sarah Kreps, PACS
“South Korea and Taiwan can’t camouflage themselves, but countries like Vietnam, India, and Singapore are positioning themselves as a third way, a...
Sabrina Karim, PACS/IAD/SAP
“If you receive a present at Christmastime, a new toy, you want to be able to use it. Well, this is kind of the same thing for a number of...
Eli Friedman, EAP
“Apple would not be the company that it is today without China as a manufacturing base,” says Eli Friedman, associate professor in the ILR School....
Eswar Prasad, SAP
“Stability of energy supplies, in terms of both prices and quantities, is a key priority for Xi Jinping as the Chinese economy remains heavily reliant...
Stephen Yale-Loehr, Migrations
“They want to be able to use Title 42 if they choose to do so in the future,” says Steve Yale-Loehr, professor of immigration law.