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Barry Strauss, PACS

Barry Strauss, professor of history and classics, writes this analysis about peace talks between Russia and Ukraine. 

Sarah Kreps, PACS

Sarah Kreps, professor of government, discusses sanctions and Russia’s assault on Eastern Ukraine. 

Durba Ghosh, PACS and SAP

“While it’s impossible to say how many, there would have been South Asian aristocrats in these circuits as well. There are cases of [Indian] women who...

Eswar Prasad, SAP

“Putin seems determined to show that he can dictate terms and force countries that are dependent on his country’s natural gas exports to sing to his...

Robert Hockett, CRADLE

Robert Hockett, professor of law and regulation of financial markets and institutions, says that the U.S.’s economic growth is too strong to be...

Sarah Kreps, PACS

Richard Clark, incoming assistant professor of government, Sarah Kreps, professor of government and adjunct professor of law, and Don Casler, incoming...

Mabel Berezin, IES/PACS

Mabel Berezin, professor of sociology, says, “the general thought was, this is going to be a really boring election, and Macron is going to win… I’ve...

Chris Barrett, IAD/SEAP

“One of the big casualties of the Russian invasion will be people who are already teetering on the edge in other places,” says Chris Barrett,...

Nicholas Mulder, IES

Nicholas Mulder, assistant professor of history, notes that sanctions rarely effect battlefield behavior in this Morning Newsletter. 

Eswar Prasad, SAP

Eswar Prasad, professor of international trade policy, writes this opinion piece about how governments and businesses could use cryptocurrency to spy...