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Jessica Chen Weiss, EAP
“It has never been more important to understand the domestic tensions and debates that seethe inside China, even as the worsening domestic and...
Sarah Kreps, PACS
“His appointment would be consistent with what we’re seeing overall, which is a preference for experience, possibly at the expense of fresh ideas,”...
Eswar Prasad, SAP
"We have been in a regime where there is a sense that cooperating with other countries weakens the U.S. She felt and acted completely differently,”...
Tamara Loos, SEAP
Tamara Loos, chair and professor in the Department of History, discusses why the current protests in Thailand are different from any the country has...
Jessica Chen Weiss, EAP
"The unchecked spread of the virus and continuing political tumult in the United States have reinforced Beijing’s view that the United States is in...
Allen Carlson, CMSP, EAP, SAP
“There is a danger that (Chinese President) Xi Jinping will see this period as one of especially pronounced American weakness and look to take...
Eswar Prasad, SAP
Eswar Prasad, professor of economics, says President Donald Trump’s denial of election results is “whipping up an extraordinary degree of uncertainty...
Eswar Prasad, SAP
"The trade pact more closely ties the economic fortunes of the signatory countries to that of China and will over time pull these countries deeper...
Mary Kate Long, SEAP
Mary Kate Long, a doctoral candidate in Asian studies, explains Sri Lanka’s decision to be the first and only Theravada Buddhist country allowing for...
Peter Katzenstein, PACS
The article notes Peter Katzenstein, professor of government, says that Trumpism is based on three pillars: nationalism, religion and race.