Pilapa Esara Carroll

Associate Professor, SUNY-Brockport
Pilapa Esara Carroll is an associate professor of anthropology at SUNY-Brockport. Her areas of specialization include issues of displacement and refugee resettlement, ethnographic documentary production, gender inequality and social difference, social practices of marriage and intimacy, processes of migration and identity negotiations, economic development and globalization, and Asia and its diasporas.
Her current research project: Persons of refugee-status arrive in the U.S. to start their lives anew as survivors of violence and persecution. New York State is ranked fourth in the nation as a destination for newly arrived refugees. The majority of these arrivals settle in western New York (90% in 2012 according to BRIA) and almost a quarter call Monroe County "home." How do refugees start over in Rochester, New York? What are their adaptation needs and challenges? I am currently analyzing the results of an ethnographic study which asked these questions concerning refugees of Burma origins.
Additional Information
- Faculty
- SEAP Faculty Associate in Research
Email: pesara@brockport.edu
Phone: (585) 395-5345