Ryadi Adityavarman

Associate Professor, Colorado State University
Ryadi Adityavarman is an associate professor in the Interior Architecture program at Colorado State University. He has a multidisciplinary background in architecture, interior design, and historic preservation with a particular focus in Indonesian architectural traditions. As a Rotary Peace Fellow, he is interested in global humanitarian and socio-cultural sustainability initiatives.
In Indonesia, Ryadi received a bachelor of architecture degree from the Faculty of Engineering at Universitas Parahyangan, with additional formal studies in interior design at the School of Fine Arts at Institut Teknologi Bandung, and in anthropology at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Universitas Padjadjaran. In the United States, Ryadi received a master of architecture degree from the University of Colorado, and an M.S. in architectural studies from the University of Texas.
Throughout his academic career, he has aspired to achieve a holistic understanding of interdisciplinary design issues through a combination of western and nonwestern cultural frames of reference. He is particularly interested in issues pertinent to design education and creativity, culture-behavioral design factors, and design theory related to traditional and contemporary Asian architecture.