Suyoung Son

Associate Professor, Asian Studies
Suyoung Son is a literary and cultural historian of early modern China (1500-1900). Her research focuses on the narrative tradition and social practice of writing and reading in the historical conditions of print culture, commercialization, and urbanization.
Her first book, Writing for Print, explores the ways in which the material conditions of print reshaped the production, circulation, and reception of literary texts in the seventeenth century and their ramifications in eighteenth-century censorships. She is currently working on two projects. The first one examines authorship and the emergence of intellectual property in early modern China; and the second project investigates the transmission of book, knowledge, and object between Qing China and Chosŏn Korea, with a focus on the Sŏ family of Talsŏng. Before coming to Cornell, she taught at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Stanford University, and the University of Chicago.