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Past Events

Einaudi Center for International Studies

South Asia Program

7:00 pm

Willard Straight Theatre

Film screening with Sahraa Karimi (Director), followed by Q&A and conversation moderated by Iftikhar Dadi, John H. Burris Professor of History of Art

The desire for freedom is basic to human nature all over the world. Obtaining a driver's license is becoming a key factor towards attaining personal…

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

4:30 pm

Olin Library, 107

During the twenty-first century, Mexico has engaged in the incongruous behavior of positioning itself a leader in the fight against climate change while simultaneously escalating its extractions, according to Carolyn Fornoff, assistant professor of Latin American Studies. In a hybrid Chats in the Stacks book talk…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Southeast Asia Program

8:00 pm


Are you a first-time attendee of the Association for Asian Studies annual meeting? A PhD student or early career researcher with questions about how AAS works, how to navigate such a large event, and how to build community with people who share your interests?

Join the GETSEA consortium for an informal…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Institute for African Development

7:00 pm

Cornell Cinema

Recent assessments of climate change impacts in Sub-Saharan Africa indicate that the continent is already experiencing impacts from rising temperatures, including water shortages, reduced food production, loss of lives and biodiversity loss. There are an increased number of extreme events, from drought, floods and…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Institute for African Development

7:00 pm

Willard Straight Hall Theatre

Anita Chitaya has a gift; she can help bring abundant food from dead soil, she can make men fight for gender equality, and she can end child hunger in her village. Now, to save her home from extreme weather, she faces her greatest challenge: persuading Americans that climate change is real.

Traveling from…

East Asia Program

Southeast Asia Program

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

South Asia Program

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

Institute for African Development

Institute for European Studies

3:00 pm

Biotechnology Building, G10

Free expression is a human right and cornerstone of a democratic society.

The U.S. Constitution enshrines the right to free expression, but not all those who reside within the country’s borders have equal protection. Some migrants to the U.S. are leaving situations where their rights were threatened, and…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

12:20 pm

Uris Hall, G08

"Constitutions include systems of checks and balances to distribute power between government branches and guarantee accountability mechanisms for higher public officials. They also create relief valves in times of political conflict. The Ecuadorian Constitution of 2008 includes the classical impeachment…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

East Asia Program

4:45 pm


The Cornell Contemporary China Initiative (CCCI) is excited to welcome Meg Rithmire, Business Administration, Harvard Business School to speak on, "The Dangerous Politics of State-Business Relations in Contemporary China."

Why have relations between the Chinese Communist Party and Chinese private-…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

12:30 pm

Uris Hall, 153

With reporting on the “migration crises” and the “migration surge at the border” once again taking center stage in the media, those advocating for migrant rights are frequently faced with the question of how to most effectively represent migrants and migrant issues.

In this conversation with researcher Moira…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Southeast Asia Program

12:00 am

Kahin Center

The full conference packet is available here.

We will also be hosting a screening of films from Laos alongside the Graduate Conference - click here for more details and a full schedule of films.

To attend virtually via Zoom, use the link here.

More details are also available on the conference…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Southeast Asia Program

4:00 pm

Kahin Center

Keynote address of the 26th SEAP Graduate Student Conference.

With its recent hit series Cigarette Girl, Netflix is shoring up its market position in Indonesia, the world’s fourth most populous country. Based on a novel by Ratih Kumala, Cigarette Girl weaves a tale of romantic family and business intrigue…

East Asia Program

5:15 pm

Law School, MTH 186

This talk provides a detailed analysis of the evolution of the role of the Chinese Supreme People's Court (SPC) in the Xi Jinping era, examining functions little explored in scholarship. It explains how and why the SPC supports national strategies, focusing on the development of “foreign-related rule of law,…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

4:30 pm

Stimson Hall, G25

"Copyright Basics: Understanding Copyright in the Context of Language Teaching"
Julie Evershed
Language Resource Center Director, University of Michigan

The purpose of this session is to give you tools and strategies to become comfortable making basic decisions regarding materials…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Institute for African Development

2:30 pm

G-08 Uris Hall

Dr. Primitiva Andrea Mboyerwa is a senior lecturer in the College of Agriculture’s Department of Soil and Geological Sciences at the Sokoine University of Agriculture. PhD in Climate-Smart Agriculture & Biodiversity Management from Haramaya University in Ethiopia as well as a M.Sc. in Soil Science and Land…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Southeast Asia Program

12:20 pm

Kahin Center

Gatty Lecture Series

Join us for a talk by Sirithorn Siriwan, (Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Asian Studies, Cornell University), who will discuss Feminized Divinity and Animist Sovereignty in Northern Thai Ricelihood.

This Gatty Lecture will take place at the The Kahin Center, 640 Stewart Ave. Lunch…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Institute for European Studies

12:00 pm


From local to global perspectives

This lecture aims to illustrate different modalities of teaching, curriculum, educational partnerships and pedagogies within the fields of comparative, intercultural and peace education, which comprise the collection of interdisciplinary perspectives on educating for peace…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

East Asia Program

Southeast Asia Program

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Institute for African Development

Institute for European Studies

South Asia Program

4:45 pm


The Amit Bhatia ’01 Global PhD Research Awards fund international fieldwork to help Cornell students complete their dissertations. Through a generous gift from Amit Bhatia, this funding opportunity annually supports at least six PhD students who have passed the A exam. Recipients hold the title of Amit Bhatia ’01…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

4:30 pm

Uris Hall, G08

Talk by Yunus Sozen (Political Science Department, LeMoyne College)

In the last decade, Turkey has not only become the largest refugee recipient country but also one of the major immigrant destination countries in the world. All this happened during the rule of the right-wing populist Justice and…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

South Asia Program

4:30 pm

A. D. White House

Reading by Bushra Rehman, followed by Q&A, moderated by Prachi Patankar

Razia Mirza grows up amid the wild grape vines and backyard sunflowers of Corona, Queens, with her best friend, Saima, by her side. When a family rift drives the girls apart, Razia’s heart is broken. She finds solace in Taslima, a…

Institute for European Studies

12:20 pm

McGraw Hall, 366

First meeting of the Spring 2024 European History Colloquium will be with Alex Chase-Levenson of SUNY Binghamton. For a copy of the paper please email

This semester's colloquium will include discussions with-

Giuliana Chamedes on March…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Institute for African Development

2:30 pm

G-08 Uris Hall

Ms. Betty Maina is a Kenyan politician who is currently Cabinet Secretary for Industrialization, Trade and Enterprise Development in the cabinet of Kenya. Ms. Betty Maina was the former P.S. for Environment and Cabinet Minister for Trade and Industrialization. She also was the CEO of the Kenya Association of…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

12:00 pm


How disparate humanitarian agents leverage AI tools to cultivate collaborative, anticipatory, and timely aid responses during conflicts.

This empirical study examines an overlooked yet deeply disconcerting dilemma facing humanitarian organizations operating in conflict zones. As complex conflicts evolve into…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

4:45 pm


The LACS Graduate Student Summer Research Grants provide funding for in-country research costs for graduate pre-dissertation work in Latin America or the Caribbean. (The grant does not cover international airfare; students should also apply for an Einaudi Center Travel Grant for airfare.) LACS will offer up to…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Southeast Asia Program

4:45 pm

Goldwin Smith Hall, G22

Gatty Lecture Series

Join us for a talk by Boreth Ly (Art History, Visual Culture, University of California, Santa Cruz), who will discuss the politics and optics of how the sultans of Java ‘accidentally’ became colonial brides.

This Gatty Lecture will take place at the Goldwin Smith Hall, G22. For…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

4:30 pm

White Hall, 106

This book talk draws from creative and constructive tensions between violent efforts to define and disambiguate sex/gender transgression, on the one hand, and trans people’s incessant everyday negotiations with these efforts, on the other. As much as trans people are shaped by the cisheteronormative powers of the…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

South Asia Program

12:20 pm

Warren Hall, 175

Perspectives in Global Development: Spring 2024 Seminar Series


The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) is an agroecological methodology (not considered as a technology) that was developed in Madagascar some 40 years ago by a French Jesuit, Henri de Laulanié. Its evaluation and spread in…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Institute for European Studies

7:00 pm

Willard Straight Hall Theatre

Victor Moreno's The Hidden City (La cuidad oculta) is a dark, unsettling, almost hallucinogenic journey into an unknown world: the labyrinthine sewer system beneath the city of Madrid, Spain. Filmed underground over several years, the film offers unprecedented access to the vast network of tunnels, sewers,…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

South Asia Program

12:15 pm

Uris Hall, G08

Talk by Mahruba Mowtushi (English and Humanities, BRAC University, Bangladesh)

'Wireless Broadcasting in Eastern Bengal: Sound, Nation, Modernity 1939-1979’ tells the story of forty years of expanding wireless soundscape in the eastern regions of Bengal. The wireless has been instrumental in Bengal in…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

East Asia Program

South Asia Program

7:30 pm

Bailey Hall

Three masters and old friends join together in a new collaboration. Kayhan Kalhor, Wu Man, and Sandeep Das are established soloists in their individual traditions. Their new trio highlights the ancient traditions of Iran, China, and India in a 21stcentury program. Three-time GRAMMY-nominee Kayhan Kalhor is an…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

9:00 am

Uris Hall, G08

Resiliencia desde América Latina y el Caribe:

​​Crisis, Resistance, and Adaptation

Confronted by the ongoing consequences of colonialism, mercantilism, and imperial extraction, and more recently by the failed promises of global liberal democracy and political revolution, Latin American and Caribbean…