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Past Events

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

5:00 pm


Join us on Zoom to practice your Quechua skills and meet new people. Conversation Hours provide an opportunity to use the target language in an informal, low-pressure atmosphere. Have fun practicing a language you are learning! Gain confidence through experience! Just using your new language skills helps you learn…

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

5:00 pm

Stimson Hall, G25

Come to the LRC to practice your language skills and meet new people. Conversation Hours provide an opportunity to use the target language in an informal, low-pressure atmosphere. Have fun practicing a language you are learning! Gain confidence through experience! Just using your new language skills helps you learn…

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Institute for European Studies

4:30 pm

Uris Hall, G08

Talk by Giancarlo Casale

Historians have long asserted the close connection between ethnology—the practice of systematically describing cultural differences—and the politics of imperial domination. But in this respect, the Ottoman Empire presents an apparent paradox. Despite expanding across a territory…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

5:00 pm

Uris Hall, G08, Uris Hall, G08

Join us in Uris Hall G08 for pizza and salad, hear from last summer's interns about their experiences and learn about the many new opportunities for Global Internships in Ecuador in summer 2024!

Come prepared! Check out our 13 internship opportunity options here come explore and bring your questions…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

South Asia Program

12:15 pm

Uris Hall, G08

Talk by Devika Singh Shekhewat

'Axom Deshor Bagisare Sowali' attempts to trace the history and memory of the migration of tea plantation workers in Assam through music. The session would focus on Folk songs and music of plantation communities of Assam and engage with Jhumur songs as oral histories…

Institute for European Studies

12:00 pm

Uris Hall, G02

This workshop is an interdisciplinary space for IES Graduate Fellows to present their research in progress.

Open to current Cornell graduate students and faculty.

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

5:00 pm

A.D. White House, Guerlac Room

A public lecture with Dr. Sa'ed Atshan.

Dr. Sa’ed Atshan is Associate Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies and Anthropology at Swarthmore College. He previously served as an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Emory University, as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Senior Research…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

East Asia Program

4:45 pm

Goldwin Smith Hall, GSH64

Anna Bugaeva, Institute of Arts and Sciences, Tokyo University of Science

This talk will be introduced by John Whitman, Linguistics.

In historical times, Ainu, the only non-Japonic language of Japan and a lone witness of earlier cultures in Japan, was spoken by the people inhabiting the northernmost…

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

4:00 pm

Rockefeller Hall, 201, Schwartz Auditorium

CANCELED - General Physics Colloquium, Prof. Angela Di Fulvio, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Host: Paul Ginsparg


Einaudi Center for International Studies

South Asia Program

12:15 pm

Uris Hall, G08

Talk by Sarah Thompson (Political Science, Stanford University)

In areas where traditional institutions rival the state, how does providing information regarding the quality of state services and whom they benefit induce individuals to use state fora, or continue with tradition? Findings from a combination…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

1:00 pm

Mann Library, 102


Co-sponsored with the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program

Context Matters: Insights From Environmental Communication Research in Latin America

Bruno Takahashi, Professor, Michigan State University

1pm in 102 Mann

Reception to follow in the Hub


Einaudi Center for International Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

1:00 pm

Mann Library, 102

Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program (LACS) Seminar Series, Co-sponsored by: The Communication Department.

The field of environmental communication has undergone substantial development in recent decades. Scholars from rich nations have predominantly spurred this growth, with a pronounced emphasis on…

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

12:00 pm

429 Rockefeller Hall, 429

The Latina/o Studies Program Fridays with Faculty luncheon seminar offers an opportunity for Latina/o and non-Latina/o students of all levels and disciplines to meet faculty and administrators from across the university for informal conversation about their current research/work in progress. All are welcome!

East Asia Program

9:30 am

Johnson Museum of Art, Wing lecture room

At this daylong symposium, speakers and artists will discuss topics related to the exhibition at the Johnson Museum.

Registration is free; please email Elizabeth Saggese at by November 9.

Symposium schedule (subject to change):


East Asia Program

5:00 pm

Johnson Museum of Art, Wing lecture room

This special event is free and open to the public, held in conjunction with the Johnson Museum exhibition Between Performance and Documentation: Contemporary Photography and Video from China.

A live performance event by artist Lin Yilin will begin at 5:00 PM, followed by a reception and time to visit the…

Institute for African Development

4:45 pm

276 Caldwell Hall

The African Ecology and Conservation semester study abroad program centers on learning to do quality field research in South Africa’s varied biomes. South Africa is a diverse and dynamic nation that continues to redefine itself in the post-apartheid era. It has strong tradition of environmental protection, which…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

4:30 pm

Goldwin Smith Hall, 236

This talk considers Iran’s relations with America at a time when global concerns over racial politics, gender relations, and social inequality dominated world headlines. Iran's growing engagement with civil rights and gender relations came at an awkward moment in its history, as the ruling monarchy took on…

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

4:00 pm

Alice Statler Auditorium

“The Intersectionality of Antisemitism, Islamophobia and Racism,” a talk by Ross Brann, the Milton R. Konvitz Professor of Judeo-Islamic Studies & Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow, will begin at 4 p.m. Nov. 16 in the Alice Statler Auditorium in Statler Hall. Cornell President Martha E. Pollack will offer an…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Southeast Asia Program

12:20 pm

Rockefeller Hall, 374

Gatty Lecture Series and the Visual Culture Colloquium

Join us for a talk by Chanon Kenji Praepipatmongkol, (Assistant Professor of Contemporary Art, McGill University), who will discuss the work of reformist monk Buddhadasa Bhikkhu.

This Gatty Lecture will take place at the Rockefeller Hall 374.…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

12:00 pm

Uris Hall, G08

History of a Timely Idea

What do we mean when we talk about environmental justice? Usually, we mean the crucial struggle against specific forms of injustice: dirty factories in poor, Black-majority neighborhoods; unequal access to green space; radioactive waste seeping into Native water supplies; the…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Southeast Asia Program

7:00 pm


A community book read with Alice Beban, author of Unwritten Rule: State-Making through Land Reform in Cambodia and winner of the 2023 Benda Prize.

This event is open to current graduate students at any university, but participants must read the book first to facilitate an active conversation!


Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

East Asia Program

Southeast Asia Program

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Institute for African Development

Institute for European Studies

South Asia Program

4:45 pm

Uris Hall, G02

The Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies funds international graduate student research!

Research travel grants provide international travel support for graduate and professional students to conduct short-term research or fieldwork outside the United States. Global PhD Research Awards fund fieldwork…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

East Asia Program

4:45 pm

Goldwin Smith Hall, 64

Nicola Di Cosmo, East Asian Studies, Institute for Advanced Study

Among the many facets of the Manchu conquest of China, a relatively unexplored one is that of Manchu ideology and propaganda. This talk examines the early justification of the anti-Ming war articulated by the Manchu ruler Nurhaci (Qing Taizu,…

East Asia Program

Southeast Asia Program

South Asia Program

4:00 pm

Rockefeller Hall, 374

Cornell's Society for Buddhist Studies welcomes you to our 2023-24 Keynote Lecture, delivered by Dr. Jingjing Li (Universiteit Leiden).

In this presentation, Dr. Li explores the possibility of Yogācāra feminism by drawing upon the writings of Xuanzang (c.602-664) and his disciple Kuiji (632-682). As she…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Institute for African Development

2:30 pm

Uris Hall, G08


The seminar series for fall 2023 explores the future of African land, agriculture and food, digging into the contestations, conflicting and converging visions from a wide range of perspectives. How might land be used, valued and lived in, across cities, rural communities, forests, deserts and…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

6:00 pm

Cornell University Language Resource Center, G27

Discuss how to engage young language learners and how to work with students of different age groups. We will cover lesson planning tips, general teaching guidelines, and how to maximize target language use during short lessons. Dinner will be served!

East Asia Program

4:45 pm

King-Shaw Hall, 525

Lobsang Sangay is a lecturer at Harvard Law School. He was a democratically elected Sikyong (President) of the Tibetan Government in Exile and served two terms (2011-2021).

Light refreshments will be served

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

12:20 pm

Uris Hall, G08

Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program (LACS) Seminar Series.

Bolivian writer Liliana Colanzi will read excerpts from her short story book Ustedes brillan en lo oscuro (You Glow in the Dark, New Directions 2024, winner of the Ribera del Duero Prize 2022), and will talk to Rosamaría Durán about her…

East Asia Program

12:15 pm

Cornell Law, MTH G85

As Law and Literature takes root around the world, from the United States to Germany, from Israel to Hong Kong, scholars working in the interdiscipline have been exploring what it might mean to study legal-literary relations in a more global frame. In this seminar, Marco Wan posits one answer to this question by…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

5:00 pm

Physical Sciences Building, 120

Politics and Protest: Historical, Sociological, and Political Perspectives

Drawing from first-hand experience and research into the U.S. nuclear freeze movement of the 1980s and the Iraq antiwar movement of 2002-09, David Cortright (University of Notre Dame) will discuss the challenge of attempting to…