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Past Events

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Southeast Asia Program

12:20 pm

Rockefeller Hall, 374

Gatty Lecture Series

Join us for a talk by Talitha Espiritu, (Associate Professor of Film and New Media, Wheaton College), who will discuss the myth-making of Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos’ conjugal dictatorship in the Philippines.

This Gatty Lecture will take place at the Rockefeller Hall 374. Lunch…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

12:00 pm

Uris Hall, G08

Nonproliferation and Disarmament Today, A Nuclear Reckoning

Building on renewed awareness of nuclear dangers arising from Christopher Nolan's epic film, the presentation assesses the status of the international nonproliferation regime and the increased risk of the use of nuclear weapons arising from…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

East Asia Program

Southeast Asia Program

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Institute for African Development

5:00 pm

Uris Hall, G-08

Learn more about the migration studies minor and international relations minor—offered by the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies. Both minors are open to all Cornell undergraduates and include courses from across the university.

With a focus on global migration experiences, the migration studies…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

5:00 pm

Uris Hall G08, 109 Tower Road

Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program (LACS) Seminar Series.

Although the emergence of the far right is anything but a new phenomenon and has reached a global dimension, until recent times the Latin American region has not experienced a massive presence of far right parties or leaders. Things started…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

South Asia Program

3:00 pm

Warren Hall, B73

Bina Agarwal teaches part-time as a Professor of Development Economics and Environment at the Global Development Institute, The University of Manchester, UK. She lives mainly in India where her research projects are predominantly based. She continues to be affiliated with the Institute of Economic Growth at Delhi…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

12:00 pm


The dramatic escalation of violence in Israel and Palestine should prompt not only horror, grief, and dismay, but also reflection and action toward lasting peace and justice.

This virtual panel will provide expert perspectives on past and future prospects for peace and justice in Israel and Palestine. The…

East Asia Program

Southeast Asia Program

South Asia Program

12:00 am

Carl A. Kroch Library, Kroch Asia Exhibition Space

As part of the Threads of History exhibition series, Kroch Asia presents Textiles of Asia: Patterns & Processes.

There is a rich history of textiles in Asia. From the animal-skin clothing of the Ainu to the intricate weaving of silk, Asian cultures have showcased their artistry through their textiles for…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

East Asia Program

Southeast Asia Program

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Institute for African Development

Institute for European Studies

South Asia Program

5:30 pm

Biotechnology Building, G10

Part of Cornell’s yearlong exploration of freedom of expression, this event from Global Cornell brings together the campus community to discuss how Cornell can protect academic freedom while collaborating with institutions and scholars in places with different political realities and views on free speech.

Einaudi Center for International Studies

East Asia Program

4:45 pm

Goldwin Smith Hall, 64 Kaufman Auditorium

Pu Wang, Professor of Chinese, Russian and Asian Languages and Literature, at Brandeis University, traces the outburst of the writing of long poems by mainland Chinese poets since the turn of the century. These longer experimental texts, together with the debates revolving around them, have formed a key yet…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

South Asia Program

12:15 pm

Uris Hall, G08

Talk by Mabel Denzin Gergan

Covered with dense forests, seismically active, landslide-prone, and receiving the bulk of monsoonal rains, the Indian Himalayan Region has long been characterized as a “difficult landscape” with an “inhospitable terrain” in both colonial British and Indian state discourse. More…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

South Asia Program

10:00 am

Johnson Museum of Art

Three-day conference: Friday, October 27 to Sunday, October 29.

South Asia is an empirical microcosm of the ecological and epistemological upending caused by climate change. Forming a quarter of the world's population and inhabiting tremendous cultural and geographic diversity, South Asia provides a…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

South Asia Program

7:00 pm

Alice Statler Auditorium, Statler 185

This October 28th, Asha Cornell is hosting the world’s first and premier South Asian a cappella group, Penn Masala, for a benefit concert, nearly 10 years after their first Cornell performance (also hosted by Asha!)

Hailing from the University of Pennsylvania, and known for its viral fusions of Western…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

East Asia Program

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

1:00 pm

Goldwin Smith Hall, 76

Hundreds of thousands of ethnic minority children have been seized by the Chinese government, detained, and beaten if they speak their native language, according to numerous human rights groups.

These reported violations of children’s rights will be explored in a symposium entitled “Uyghur Children in China’…

Institute for European Studies

12:00 am


Guiliana Chamedes, Associate Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin_Madison

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

5:00 pm

Uris Hall, G08

LACS Film Series

‘Icaros: a vision’ is a story about fear and the release from fear – the fear of illness and of death, but also the fear of life and living. It’s about the possibility of living through one’s fear – which is what the Amazonian plant Ayahuasca is good at getting you to do. Centered on the…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

5:00 pm

McGraw Hall, 165

The Department of Near Eastern Studies will offer a panel discussion, “Understanding Events in Israel – Palestine” from 5-6:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 26 in Room 165 of McGraw Hall (Note: Location has changed to allow for greater occupancy, but seating is limited)

Panelists will provide historical context for…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

East Asia Program

Southeast Asia Program

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Institute for African Development

Institute for European Studies

South Asia Program

4:45 pm


The Fulbright U.S. Student Program supports U.S. citizens to study, conduct research in any field, or teach English in more than 150 countries. Students who wish to begin the program immediately after graduation are encouraged to start the process in their junior year. Recent graduates are welcome to apply through…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Southeast Asia Program

12:20 pm

Rockefeller Hall, 374

Gatty Lecture Series

Join us for a talk by Nina Baker Capistrano, (Consulting Curator and Special Projects Consultant, Ayala Museum, Philippines), who will discuss reinscribing P’u-tuan (Butuan) in the metanarrative of Early Southeast Asia.

This Gatty Lecture will take place at the Rockefeller Hall…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Institute for European Studies

12:00 pm

Uris Hall, G08

Mitchell A. Orenstein, Professor of Russian and East European Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, will discuss how Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022 changed Europe. It shattered any remaining illusions that the EU could achieve peaceful coexistence with Russia through greater…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Southeast Asia Program

5:00 pm

Goldwin Smith Hall, G64

The Cadre Journal presents a discussion with Thongchai Winichakul—former Thai student leader and historian—on the Thai social movement in the 70s, the rise of socialism and anti-imperialism, American influence over Thai politics, and the atrocities that followed.

About the October 6 Massacre


Einaudi Center for International Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

East Asia Program

Southeast Asia Program

4:45 pm

Uris Hall, G-08

The East Asia Program (EAP) offers one-semester fellowships for doctoral students working on East Asia-related projects, travel grants for graduate students conducting field research in China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, and a small number of East Asian language study grants.

At this info session, EAP…

Institute for European Studies

4:30 pm

Uris Hall, G02

This workshop is an interdisciplinary space for IES Graduate Fellows to present their research in progress.

Open to current Cornell graduate students and faculty.

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Institute for African Development

2:30 pm

Uris hall, G08


The seminar series for fall 2023 explores the future of African land, agriculture and food, digging into the contestations, conflicting and converging visions from a wide range of perspectives. How might land be used, valued and lived in, across cities, rural communities, forests, deserts and…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

East Asia Program

12:20 pm

Central Campus

Join this walking tour around central campus to visit important sites that showcase the deep history between Cornell and China. Learn more about how modern Chinese language resulted from an overturned canoe in Beebe Lake, visit buildings of historical importance, and hear stories showcasing vibrant Cornell-China…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Institute for European Studies

4:45 pm

Uris Hall, G-08

This information session for undergraduate and graduate students will provide more information on funding opportunities from the Institute for European Studies, as well as the requirements for the European studies minor.

Register here for in-person attendance, or here for virtual registration.


Einaudi Center for International Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

12:20 pm

Uris Hall, G08


CANCELLED--A legacy of the transatlantic slave trade, Brazil is home to the largest number of African descendants outside Africa and the greatest number of domestic workers in the world. Drawing on ten years of interviews and ethnographic research, Dr. Elizabeth Hordge-Freeman examines…

South Asia Program

4:45 pm

Goldwin Smith Hall, G22

Department of History of Art & Visual Studies Pulse of Art History Lecture Series.

Join us for a talk by Lotte Hoek, (Professor of Cultural Anthropology, University of Edinburgh).

This Pulse of Art History talk will take place in Goldwin Smith Hall G22 and is co-sponsored by the South Asia Program…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

East Asia Program

Southeast Asia Program

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Institute for African Development

Institute for European Studies

South Asia Program

4:45 pm


The Einaudi Dissertation Proposal Development Program (DPD) supports 12 PhD students annually by offering seminars, workshops, mentoring sessions, and up to $5,000 for summer research. Applicants’ research projects must focus on global issues, but the proposed research setting may be international or domestic.…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

East Asia Program

Southeast Asia Program

Institute for African Development

4:45 pm

Uris Hall, 153

The Southeast Asia Program (SEAP) gives students multiple ways to engage with Southeast Asia. Undergraduates who minor in Southeast Asian Studies are advised by SEAP faculty advisors who collaborate with them to construct a course of study based upon their area of interest. SEAP also runs the CU in Cambodia program…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

South Asia Program

4:30 pm

ILR Conference Center, 423 King-Shaw Hall

Please join us for the 2023 Alice Cook-Lois Gray Distinguished Lecture. Our honored speaker is Amrita Basu, Amherst College's Domenic J. Paino 1955 Professor of Political Science, and Sexuality, Women's and Gender Studies. This year's lecture will be held in 423 King-Shaw Hall, ILR Conference Center…