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Past Events

Einaudi Center for International Studies

East Asia Program

3:30 pm

Rockefeller Hall, 375 Asian Studies Lounge

The Cornell Classical Chinese Colloquium welcomes Xin Wen, Department of East Asian Studies, Princeton to lead this month's text-reading.

For much of China’s early and medieval imperial history, including the Zhou, the Qin, the Han, the Sui, and the Tang dynasties, Chang’an and the surrounding area…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Institute for European Studies

3:00 pm

Uris Hall, G08

This lecture, based on the book with the same title, presents a historical panorama of the Islamic and Catholic political-religious empires and exposes striking parallels in their relationship with the modern state. Drawing on interviews, site visits, and archival research in Turkey, North Africa, and Western…

Institute for European Studies

3:00 pm

164 Klarman Hall, Romance Studies Dept. Lounge

Study abroad in Spain alongside Spanish university students in the beautiful city of Seville. Open to any major with special classes focusing on health and healthcare in fall and immigration in the spring. Immerse yourself in the community through local organizations and homestays. Director Eva Infante and returned…

East Asia Program

6:30 pm

PSB, Atrium (near Goldie's)

This year the Korean Language Program at Cornell will host a community event "Korean Game Night" on 10/19 (Thursday) 6:30-8:00pm in PSB Atrium (245 Feeney Way) on Cornell campus. Open to the public and kids friendly!

There will be 5 stations of Korean games (hardboard battle from Squid Game,…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Institute for African Development

Institute for European Studies

4:45 pm

Uris Hall, G-08

Learn about global summer interships from the Institute for African Development and Latin American and Caribbean Studies program, part of the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies.

Annual internships from these programs send undergraduate students to Ghana, Zambia, or Ecuador for 6-8 weeks over the…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

South Asia Program

4:30 pm

Goldwin Smith Hall, 236

Talk by Smita Lahiri

Official Hindi (my term) is a widely used linguistic register that owes its existence to state-sponsored language development in newly independent India. Ideologies projecting Official Hindi as “pure” and legitimate (shuddh Hindi) resonate with many groups, including both users and non-…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Southeast Asia Program

12:20 pm

Rockefeller Hall, 374

Gatty Lecture Series

Join us for a talk by Van Nguyen Marshall, (Associate Professor of History, Trent University), who will discuss the public lives of South Vietnamese people, Between War and the State.

This Gatty Lecture will take place at the Rockefeller Hall 374. Lunch will be served. For…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

12:00 pm

Uris Hall, G08

Stories of Queer Feminist Alliances in the Peacebuilding Movement

Lesbian feminist organizing has played a significant role in women’s peacebuilding work, including anti-war and abolitionist organizing. Yet women’s lesbian and queer identities as a part of their organizing are continually marginalized in the…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

4:45 pm

Uris Hall, G08

Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program (LACS) Public Issues Forum.

In 1979, the Caribbean island of Grenada became the first and so far only nation in the history of the English-speaking world to declare itself revolutionary, oust its elected government, and adopt socialist approaches. Visits from…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

East Asia Program

Southeast Asia Program

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Institute for African Development

Institute for European Studies

South Asia Program

4:45 pm


In this info session for graduate students, learn about Fulbright at Cornell.

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program provides full funding for graduate and professional students conducting research in any field or teaching in more than 150 countries. Open to U.S. citizens only.

The Fulbright-Hays…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Institute for African Development

2:30 pm

Uris Hall, G-08


The seminar series for fall 2023 explores the future of African land, agriculture and food, digging into the contestations, conflicting and converging visions from a wide range of perspectives. How might land be used, valued and lived in, across cities, rural communities, forests, deserts and…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

4:45 pm

Uris Hall, G-08

Get connected with the Latin American and Caribbean Studies program (LACS) to learn more about undergraduate opportunities at this information session.

LACS offers an interdisciplinary minor, summer internships, summer language grants, and other funding opportunities. The undergraduate minor spans across…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Southeast Asia Program

6:00 pm

Rockefeller Hall, 115

A GETSEA Simulcast Film Screening

Join us to watch the film Above and Below the Ground, followed by a discussion with audiences across over 20 North American universities.

This is event is hosted by the GETSEA consortium, and co-sponsored by the Asian American Studies Program and the Southeast Asia…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

4:45 pm

Uris Hall, G02

Get connected with the Latin American and Caribbean Studies program (LACS) to learn more about graduate opportunities at this information session.

Opportunities include research funding like the LACS summer research grant, which provides between $500 to $1,500 for predissertation work in Latin America or the…

East Asia Program

Einaudi Center for International Studies

4:45 pm

Goldwin Smith Hall, GSH64 Kaufman Auditorium

Whose Tianxia? Imagining the Great Qing in Post-Imperial China

Fei-Hsien Wang, History, Indiana University Bloomington

Cornell Contemporary China Initiative (CCCI) lecture series

How should the geographical and ethnic boundary of “China” be defined after the fall of the Qing Empire? Did China…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

4:00 pm

Stimson Hall, G25

"Reverse Design and its Role in Curricular and Programmatic Articulation"
Catherine Baumann
Senior Instructional Professor and Director, University of Chicago Language Center

Reverse design, also called backward design, is a framework for curricular planning that begins "at the…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

2:00 pm


Two of Latin America’s most forceful dissident voices will explore the power and limits of fiction and other forms of creative expression in a public online conversation organized by Ithaca City of Asylum and co-hosted by the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program (LACS).

Sergio Ramírez Mercado (born…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

South Asia Program

9:30 am

Klarman KG70

Join us for a talk by Narayana Murthy, founder of Infosys Limited. Murthy is celebrated for his visionary leadership in shaping Infosys and India's emergence as a major player in the world's information technology sector. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, having steered Infosys since its…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

South Asia Program

9:00 am

ILR Conference Center, 229, 423

Join us October 13-14 for a two-day conference featuring distinguished Cornell faculty, prominent economists, and Indian corporate leaders. We will delve into the latest advances in the Indian economy and its challenges, anchored under the theme "India's Economy in a Changing Global Landscape."

Einaudi Center for International Studies

3:00 pm

Mann Library, 102

You are invited to a poster session featuring researchers from across the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Crop Improvement's network of Centers of Innovation. Hear about the latest in crop improvement research from scientists working in East Africa, West Africa, Central America and the Caribbean.


Einaudi Center for International Studies

Southeast Asia Program

12:20 pm

Rockefeller Hall, 374

Gatty Lecture Series

Join us for a talk by Jenny Hedstrom, (Associate Professor in War Studies, Department of War Studies and Military History, Swedish Defence University), who will discuss women's labour and the Kachin conflict.

This Gatty Lecture will take place at the Rockefeller Hall 374.…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

12:00 pm

ILR Conference Center, King-Shaw Hall 423

Empirical Study of Gender Research Network (EGEN) in collaboration with the Gender and the Security Sector Lab, and the Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies presents the Global Status of Women Talk.


Dawn Teele, Co-founder of EGEN, the Empirical Study of Gender, Johns Hopkins…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

South Asia Program

4:45 pm

Uris Hall, G08

Talk by Divya Cherian (History, Princeton University)

What did it mean to be Hindu in pre-colonial India? Through a discussion of everyday life and local politics in the kingdom of Marwar in the eighteenth century, this presentation will show that an alliance between existing landed elites and a newly…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

12:30 pm

Uris Hall, G08

This event is in-person and only open to current Cornell students, staff, and faculty.

Lori Khatchadourian, Associate Professor, Near Eastern Studies, Cornell University
Adam Smith, Distinguished Professor in Arts and Sciences, Anthropology, Cornell University
Husik Ghulyan,…

East Asia Program

Southeast Asia Program

4:45 pm

A. D. White House, Guerlac Room

Veeraporn Nitiprapha, one of Thailand’s most famous contemporary authors, speaks about her novel Memories of the Memories of the Black Rose Cat (published in translation in 2022).
Memories tells an entirely new story of Chinese migration to and personhood in Southeast Asia as it chronicles the history of a…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Southeast Asia Program

12:20 pm

Rockefeller Hall, 374

Gatty Lecture Series

Join us for a talk by Lisandro Claudio, (Associate Professor of Southeast Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley), who will discuss imperialism and good governance in the Philippines.

This Gatty Lecture will take place at the Rockefeller Hall 374. Lunch will be served.…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Institute for European Studies

12:00 pm

Uris Hall, G08

Does evoking historical parallels change public opinion regarding foreign policy?

Seeking international support to counter Russia’s February 2022 invasion, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has publicly addressed foreign politicians and public in several democratic nations. Media coverage paid special…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies

Comparative Muslim Societies Program

East Asia Program

Southeast Asia Program

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Institute for African Development

Institute for European Studies

South Asia Program

5:30 pm

Cornell University, Rhodes Rawlings Auditorium, Klarman Hall

Bartels World Affairs Lecture

Fantasy author N. K. Jemisin discusses how she learned to build unreal worlds by studying our own—and how we might in turn imagine a better future for our world, and reshape it to fit that dream.

Jemisin's lecture kicks off The Future—a new Global Grand Challenge at…

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

4:30 pm

Olin Library, 107

Sometimes dismissed as mere fantasies, utopian capitalist experiments by the ultra-rich have in fact been tried in many places on earth, often with disastrous consequences for the local inhabitants, according to Ray Craib, Marie Underhill Noll Professor of American History.

In a live, hybrid (in-person and…

Einaudi Center for International Studies

South Asia Program

12:20 pm

Emerson Hall, 135

Perspectives in Global Development: Fall 2023 Seminar Series


Around the globe, 800m people spend more than 10% of their household budget on health care, and nearly 100m of these are pushed into extreme poverty every year by out-of-pocket health expenses. A big hairy question facing us is:…