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Frederic Conger Wood Research Fellowship

The deadline for this opportunity has passed.
Application Deadline: March 9, 2025
Art shop in Freetown Christiania, Copenhagen, Denmark


Established in 1993 with a generous bequest from the estate of Cornell alumnus and trustee, Frederic Conger Wood, these fellowships support undergraduate research in Europe.

Undergraduates from all colleges are invited to submit applications to pursue research projects or internships focused on Europe. In a typical year, during the summer, Conger Wood Fellows spend 2-8 weeks of field study in Europe and upon their return write up the results of their research. These fellowships can be combined with projects in connection to attending Cornell summer courses taught in Europe.

Application deadline for Winter Break travel: December 1, 2024

Application deadline for Summer travel: March 9, 2025

Funding Guidelines

  • 2-3 week project at 20-40 hours per week = $1,500 - $2,500 
  • 4-8 week project at 20-40 hours per week = $2,500 - $4,000

Funding will be distributed through bursar accounts.


  • 4-5 page project proposal (double-spaced) with bibliography
  • Budget (identify the level of funding requested using the options above, and list your estimated costs for airfare, lodging, food, etc.)
  • 1 letter of recommendation
  • Transcript 
The online application form requires applicants to provide the names and email addresses of faculty recommenders. The online system automatically generates a notification email to the recommenders with instructions on how to log in and upload a recommendation letter. The submission deadline for a letter of recommendation is March 16, 2025.

Contact IES(link sends email) with questions about this award.

Additional Information

Funding Type

  • Fellowship


  • Student
