IAD PhD Research Grant

IAD offers research grants to enrolled Cornell PhD students to conduct field research in Africa.
Eligible candidates must have a substantive research focus in Africa. Grants are not intended to cover international travel costs (flights from the U.S. to the country of study) but may supplement additional grants from the Einaudi Center Travel Grant. Awards range is up to $3,500. Students who have previously received an IAD Field Research Travel grant may not apply again.
Applicants will be assessed and ranked on the following:
- Research is directly related to development issues in Africa
- Research proposal and plan is detailed and well-written
- Research is integral to the applicant’s PhD dissertation
- A reasonable and detailed budget
- Urgency of funding
How to Apply
Applicants are asked to provide to iad@cornell.edu :
- A proposal of the research to be undertaken, including research activities, methods and timeline (up to 3 pages)
- A detailed budget for in-country expenses.
- A tentative itinerary/schedule.
- List of other current funds received.
- Advisor’s or faculty recommendation from within the applicant’s area of study (for PhD student applicants)
Notification of awardee selection will be sent by March 31, 2025.
If your proposal includes travel to an elevated risk country, you will need to submit a request to ITART to travel. In the event that the applicant receives Einaudi travel grant funds, the award will not be released until the ITART application process is completed. Applicants are strongly encouraged to have a back-up plan for their project if ITART application is denied, or if the country to which they are traveling should become an elevated risk country after receiving their travel grant.