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IAD Special Topic Seminar Series, Spring 2025


The Seminar on Issues in African Development series examines a broad range of critical concerns in contemporary Africa including food production, human resource development, migration, urbanization, environmental resource management, economic growth, and policy guidance. The weekly presentations are made by invited specialists. Students write weekly memos about the talks. Graduate students (CRP 6770/GDEV 6770) facilitate one seminar question period. 

Thursdays, 11:15 a.m. - 12:05 p.m., 115 Sibley Hall


January 30

Rachel Bezner Kerr, Professor, Global Development, and Director, Institute for African Development, Cornell - Introduction to Issues in African Development - course overview 

February 6

Stephan Schmidt, Associate Professor, and Director, Master of Regional Planning Program, Cornell -  Place Attachment, Regional Identity, and Perceptions of Urbanization in Moshi, Tanzania

February 13

David M. A. Murphy, Assistant Professor Department of Economics, Colgate University  - Can Reducing Alcohol Consumption in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa Improve Smallholder Agricultural Outcomes? Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in Kenya 

February 20

Stacey Langwick, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, Cornell - Futures of Lushness: Innovative Efforts to Re imagine Healing as land Relations in Tanzania

February 27

Sophie Oldfield, Professor and Chair, Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell - Becoming ‘Unlawful’: Homeownership, Housing Bureaucracy, and the Production of Precarity in Eastridge, Cape Town, South Africa 

March 6

Elmond Bandauko, Postdoctoral Associate, City and Regional Planning, Just & Equitable Cities, Cornell Mui Ho Center for Cities - Street Traders' Association and Collective Action In Politically Volatile and Contested Cities

March 13

William G. Moseley, Dewitt Wallace Professor of Geography and Director, Program for Food, Agriculture and Society, Macalester College  - Decolonizing African Agriculture: Food Security, Agroecology, and the Need for Radical Transformation 

March 20

Maaz Gardezi, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Virginia Tech  - Intersection of Climate Change and the Social and Political Implications of Emerging Digital Technologies in Food and Agriculture Systems 

April 10

Cascade Tuholske, Assistant Professor of Human Environment Geography, Department of Earth Sciences, Montana State University Climate Change, Heat, and Health Across Africa

April 17

Helena Shilomboleni, Assistant Professor in the School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability and the Dept. of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Waterloo  - Collaborative Rice Breeding Programs in East Africa: Insights from Feminist Political Ecology 

April 24

Rachel Sandwell, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Cornell  - The National Liberation Moment: Solidarity, Civil Society, and Development Aid

May 1

Tukumbi Lumumba Kasongo, Professor and Chair, Political Science , Wells College, Regional Affiliate, IAD, Cornell, African Integration Within the Imperatives of Neo-Liberal Globalism, Multipolarity and the African Union Agenda 2063: can it be feasible?



Additional Information

Academic Type

  • Seminar
