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Graduate Student Steering Committee

First convened in October 2009, EAP's Graduate Student Steering Committee (EAP-GSSC) consists of graduate students from departments across campus who are affiliated with EAP. Our goal is to facilitate scholarly exchange among EAP graduate students and faculty, as well as to provide networking opportunities and to represent graduate student interests and concerns.

Yangting Leah Li, PhD work in progress March 15 '24

What We Do

Events organized and hosted by the EAP-GSSC change annually to meet student interests. These are the most recent:

  • Brownbag lunch faculty talks
  • Graduate student conferences
  • Invited guest speaker series
  • Film screenings
  • Professionalization workshops
  • Dissertation writing boot camps
  • Fellowship information session
  • Writing groups

Activity Funds

Any registered Cornell student organization focused on East Asia is eligible to apply for funding from the EAP-GSSC. The proposed activity must be campus-wide and meet the goal of enhancing the intellectual life of the Cornell community by promoting the study or celebration of East Asia.

To apply, send a proposal to by November 20 for fall semester events and March 1 for spring semester events.

Get Involved

Would you like to become a member of the GSSC? Is there a scholar you would like to invite to Cornell from another institution? Any questions, suggestions, or feedback about events? 

Wanheng Hu: GSSC and EAP make me feel at home

2024–25 EAP-GSSC Officers