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East Asia Program Research Travel Grants

EAP offers travel grants established in support of graduate student field research in East Asia.

These supplementary grants pay for research and living costs for short-term field research and often supplement the Mario Einaudi Center International Research Travel Grants (international airfare only). Awards range from $500 to $2,000 and are not intended to replace full semester Graduate Area Studies Fellowships. 

EAP Travel Grants

  • Hu Shih Memorial Award (for travel to Taiwan)
  • Lam Family Award (for South China research)
  • Japan Research Travel Grant
  • China Travel Grant (Mainland and Tibet)
  • Korea Travel Grant

EAP does not run an independent travel/field research grant application process. Applicants only have to fill out one online application. To be considered for EAP funding sources, please select "East Asia Program" under the "Reviewing Program" portion of the application. Also, please complete an EAP Travel Budget form and copy-paste the information into the end of your application's Full Project Proposal field.

For more information on the Travel Grant application process, check out the Mario Einaudi Center International Research Travel Grants page.

Cornell travelers should take note of the travel assistance services provided by MEDEX, including pre-travel information, emergency services, and medical assistance. For more information, please refer to this article.

Committee Review Process

Award Guidelines for EAP Travel Grants

  • This award funds travel to conduct research connected to Cornell graduate work. This grant does not fund travel to attend study programs outside Cornell, nor to attend conferences.
  • Research must take place in East Asia or, in exceptional cases, research in other countries directly connected to the applicant’s East Asian studies.
  • Research travel must take place between May of the application year application and April of the following year.
  • Applications that propose to travel for extended residence in a country and as part of long-term graduate field research (e.g., in parallel with a Lee Teng-hui Fellowship in World Affairs) will be given a lower priority. Other fellowships and funding should support long-term graduate research.
  • EAP Travel Grants are not intended to supplement fellowships.  

Rankings are determined using the following criteria:

  • The work (e.g., methodology) is technically sound.
  • The project is integral to the applicant’s graduate work.
  • The project relies in part on obtaining external grant funding.
  • The project would not take place or would be adversely impacted without an EAP Travel Grant.
  • The budget outline is appropriate.

Frequently Asked Questions
