Financing Innovation and Sustainable Development in Africa

By Our Faculty
Editors: Steve Kayizzi-Mugerwa and Muna Ndulo
Using multifaceted and multidisciplinary analytical approaches, this publication considers the role of the banking system, the stock market, credit access, external aid, and sovereign wealth funds in the evolving development finance architecture.
Further, the volume looks at China’s role as an aid donor, the impact of BRICs partnerships in South Africa, the role of NEPAD in mobilizing resources for infrastructure development, and the links between law, trade, and regional integration. The study concurs with previous analyses that greater access to credit by the poor represents the most effective way of fighting poverty and raising the standards of living in Africa.
Additional Information
- Book
- IAD/CSP Book Series
Publication Details
Publication Year: 2018
ISBN: 978-1-5275-0556-8