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Robert H. Frank, Einaudi

This opinion piece references an op-ed written by Robert Frank, emeritus professor of economics, in The New York Times in which Frank argues that many...

Chris Barrett, IAD and SEAP

“The risk of food price spikes is driving people into diets or undernutrition who don't need to be there. We've got to find ways to both temper demand...
IES is pleased to announce the hiring of Jason Ford who will begin in his role on March 2, 2021.

Belgium to Congo: Colonialism Reparation and Truth and Reconciliation...

Belgium to Congo: Colonialism Reparation and Truth & Reconciliation Commissions

Interview and article by Grace Shan

Wondering what it’s like to study a Southeast Asian language at Cornell?
All event times are EST and held virtually. Please contact for accessibility arrangements in advance. CCCC=Cornell Classical Chinese...

South Asia Program Hosted Indian MP Mar. 2

Tens of thousands in U.S. and India viewed Gandhi's conversation with Kaushik Basu. Watch video on Einaudi Facebook.

“Dualism or Solidarity? Conditions for Union Success in Regulating Precarious...

The paper was co-authored by Laura Carver, M.S. 20, and Virginia Doellgast, associate professor of international and comparative labor in the ILR...

Joseph Margulies, PACS

Prof. Joseph Margulies and Prof. Jamila Michener will discuss Margulies’ new book based on a long-term study of Olneyville, a low-income Latino...

EAP's Jack Zinda Works with Communities

Environmental sociologist examines how human decisions influence environmental outcomes in communities—from China to New York State.