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Eli Friedman, EAP
While the modern party’s legitimacy is based on a growing and diverse range of sources, “performance-based legitimacy” remains a central pillar of...
Robert Hockett, CRADLE
Robert Hockett, a Cornell professor who has testified before Congress on Chevron deference in the past, comments on the Supreme Court decision.
Eswar Prasad, SAP
Eswar Prasad, professor of finance at Cornell, writes that China’s problems are both cyclical and structural and need tackling on multiple fronts.
Arnab Basu, SAP
Twenty-seven of every 1,000 babies and children in India die due to exposure to indoor air pollution, according to new research findings from Arnab...
Jessica Chen Weiss, EAP
This opinion piece mentions analysis by Jessica Chen Weiss, professor of international relations at Cornell University.
Gustavo Flores-Macías, LACS
As pro-democracy movements strengthened around the world toward the end of the 20th century, regional groups such as the Organization of American...
Eli Friedman, EAP
Eli Friedman, associate professor of global labor and work in the ILR School, and co-authors discuss in a new book, “China in Global Capitalism:...
Mabel Berezin, IES
“They will be able to play that constituency long after Trump,” says professor of arts and sciences in sociology, Mabel Berezin. “They don’t come out...
Robert Hockett, CRADLE
"These rulings make it impossible for the agencies that Congress itself created to respond quickly and efficiently to newly emerging problems," says...
Nicholas Mulder, IES
This opinion piece quotes Cornell historian Nicholas Mulder's 2022 book, “The Economic Weapon: The Rise of Sanctions as a Tool of Modern War.”