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Insights from China's War on Smog
Anna L. Ahlers, Max-Planck-Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, explores her research process and background air pollution in China.
Cornell's Local Grown Dance concert excerpt of "Atelier 320: upending"
Taiwan's foremost Chinese calligrapher, Tong Yang-Tze's art is incorporated in a visually hypnotic dance titled, Atelier 320: upending. Choreographed...
Mindi Schneider in conversation with John Zinda
Mindi Schneider discusses her research titled The Pork Fix: African Swine Fever and the Opportunity of Crisis in China’s Pork Industry.
Skytte considered Nobel Prize for political science
The award honors Katzenstein's pioneering work in political economy, global security policy, and European politics.
Tong Yang-Tze Immortal at the River Chinese calligraphy exhibit being installed at the Johnson Museum.