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Chris Barrett, IAD/SEAP

Chris Barrett, professor of agricultural and development economics, says “They’re a relatively small operation in broader humanitarian-assistance...

Gustavo A. Flores-Macías, LACS

Gustavo A. Flores-Macías, professor of government (A&S), began a discussion with an analysis of the current situation in El Salvador, whose recently...

Magnus Fiskesjö in World in Focus

Magnus Fiskesjö recently updated the Uyghur bibliography he began in 2017. The bibliography is hosted by the Uyghur Human Rights Project, "one of the...

Marina Welker, SEAP

Though they’re banned in the United States and many other countries, clove-laced tobacco cigarettes called “kretek” (referencing the crackling sound...

Panelists Chart Different Paths to Climate Justice

Journalist Kate Aronoff and security expert Joshua Busby meet to discuss equity in our shared climate crisis. Attend in person or by livestream.

Sarah Kreps, PACS

“I think with many big elections coming up this year, it’s not surprising that Facebook is taking yet another step away from politics so that they can...

Featuring Carol J. Colfer

This book, the third of a series, shows how shifting cultivators, from the Himalayan foothills to the Pacific Islands, have devised ways to improve...

Afghan Scholar Proposes Tactics to Address Minority Persecution

"We should use sanctions to force the Taliban to sit at the negotiation table. Otherwise, they have the power," said Tawab Danish at a March 25 event,...

Christine Bacareza Balance, SEAP/GPV

"Revisiting Apocalypse Now: Hollywood in a Time and Place of Philippine Martial Law" features Global Public Voices alum Christine Bacareza Balance...

By Alyssa Brundage '24

Einaudi's Southeast Asia Program sponsored a unique winter break study abroad opportunity. A participant describes the experience.