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Jeremy Wallace, EAP

“There is a real irony of climate extremes here because the principal fear in Beijing has always been not enough water and desertification, but the...

Stephen Yale-Loehr, Migrations

Stephen Yale-Loehr, professor of immigration law, says, “People like immigrants they know, but worry about overall immigration levels. For that...

Lourdes Casanova, LACS/GPV

Lourdes Casanova, director of the Emerging Markets Institute, writes that central bank digital currency may offer tempting solutions to several issues...

25 African Leaders Find Inspiration at Cornell

Cohosted by Einaudi, Cornell's 25 Mandela fellows honed their skills as public officials and managers in six weeks on campus this summer.
Cohosted by Einaudi and the Brooks School, Cornell's 25 Mandela fellows represent countries from all over sub-Saharan Africa. Learn more about their...

Title VI–funded Programs Partner with MCC

Our programs work with community colleges across NY, including Monroe Community College in Rochester, to bring the world to our state's classrooms.

Kenneth Roberts, LACS

Ken Roberts, professor of government, discusses the party system.

Nicholas Mulder, IES/PACS

Nicholas Mulder, professor of history, discusses the West's attempt to sanction Russia.

Eswar Prasad, SAP

Eswar Prasad, professor of international trade policy and economics, joins CNBC to discuss China's economy.

Robert Hockett, CRADLE

“It feels like a threshold was crossed,” says Robert Hockett, professor of law and public finance. “Some Democrats are finally waking up to that.”