Past Events
Einaudi Center for International Studies
Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies
4:30 pm
White Hall, 104
International Law, Norms, and the Decline in Interstate War
This event focuses on a discussion paper, “International Law, Norms, and the Decline in Interstate War,” by Kathryn Sikkink and Averell Schmidt. The authors will not present the paper formally, and participants are expected to read the paper in…
Einaudi Center for International Studies
Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies
Institute for European Studies
12:15 pm
Myron Taylor Hall, 184
At its founding in 1945, the United Nations aimed to “maintain international peace and security” and to encourage “respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion.” The international institutions envisioned in this charter face severe…
Einaudi Center for International Studies
South Asia Program
12:00 pm
From the beginning of the student-led quota reform movement on June 6th across the creation of an interim government upon the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on August 5th, a lot has been happening in Bangladesh recently. This virtual panel brings together scholars in New York and activists in…
Einaudi Center for International Studies
Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies
Comparative Muslim Societies Program
East Asia Program
Southeast Asia Program
Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Institute for African Development
Institute for European Studies
South Asia Program
11:00 am
Uris Hall, Terrace
International Fair showcases Cornell's global opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students. Explore the fair and find out about international majors and minors, language study, study abroad, funding opportunities, global internships, Cornell Global Hubs, and more.
The International Fair is…
Einaudi Center for International Studies
Institute for European Studies
9:00 am
Global Cornell is offering competitive faculty grants in collaboration with Global Hubs partners.
Apply for funding to explore potential research collaborations with colleagues at Hubs universities.
Global Hubs collaborative research seed grants bring together Cornell and partner institution…
Einaudi Center for International Studies
Southeast Asia Program
8:00 am
Global Cornell is offering competitive faculty grants in collaboration with Global Hubs partners.
Apply for funding to explore potential research collaborations with colleagues at Hubs universities.
Global Hubs collaborative research seed grants bring together Cornell and partner institution faculty…
Einaudi Center for International Studies
Latin American and Caribbean Studies
5:00 pm
Uris Hall, G08
Quechua will be offered in Romance Studies this fall and spring thanks to a Fulbright FLTA Grant submitted by LACS. Since the language wasn’t taught last year, this will be the first opportunity for Freshman and Sophomore undergraduate students to enroll.
Quechua is an indigenous language family spoken by…
Einaudi Center for International Studies
Southeast Asia Program
12:00 am
Kahin Center
A Hands-On Workshop for K-16 Music Teachers
Calling all music educators: learn to play percussion and stringed instruments from Southeast Asia while exploring innovative ways to bring these musical traditions into your classroom.
Intended Participants: K-12 music teachers, Community College and other…
Einaudi Center for International Studies
12:00 am
Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
Conference Theme: Financial Inclusion
& Financial Protection in a Changing
Keynote Speakers: Dr. Vicki Bogan,
Duke University; Dr. Robert (Bob) Hunt,
Philadelphia Federal Reserve
Special Lectures: Mr. Rafe Mazer,
Director, Fair Finance Consulting; Ms.…
Einaudi Center for International Studies
Southeast Asia Program
9:00 am
Johnson Museum of Art
This workshop brings together scholars from around the world who specialize in contemporary Indonesian politics to discuss the state of Indonesian democracy, with a particular emphasis on events and dynamics associated with the 2024 elections.
This workshop is organized in collaboration with the Southeast…
Einaudi Center for International Studies
South Asia Program
7:00 pm
Warren Hall, B25
A free public lecture presented by Dr. Saurabh Mehta, Cornell’s Janet and Gordon Lankton Professor, Nutritional Sciences
In this fascinating public talk, Dr.Mehta will compare and contrast "one-size-fits-all” approaches for optimizing population nutrition and health with a newer concept: precision…
Einaudi Center for International Studies
1:00 pm
Cities around the globe are experiencing a large influx of migrants, with metropolises like New York City and London consistently ranking among the top destinations for those seeking a better life. Yet the impact of immigrants on these cities' populations is multifaceted.
Economically, migrants…
Einaudi Center for International Studies
East Asia Program
Southeast Asia Program
Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Institute for African Development
Institute for European Studies
South Asia Program
9:00 am
Stocking Hall
Join the Cornell University Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies and the South Asia Center at Syracuse University for the 2024 International Studies Summer Institute (ISSI)! This year, we will explore plant and animal migration around the world and at home. ISSI is a professional development workshop for…
South Asia Program
9:00 am
Women play important roles in preventing foodborne diseases throughout the food system, from agricultural production and food processing to vending and home meal preparation. Understanding gender dynamics in value chains and households can inform more effective food safety practices, policies, and outreach. This…
South Asia Program
9:00 am
Progress in food safety is driven by behavior change. A better understanding of the beliefs, motivations, and economic pressures that influence food safety behaviors can yield more effective outreach programs and policy recommendations. This webinar will provide insights from Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food…
South Asia Program
3:00 pm
Martha Van Rensselaer Hall, 2250
Guest speaker Emily Gurley, PhD, MPH is a Professor of the Practice in the Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Her research involves novel surveillance strategies, improved collaboration between field epidemiologists and infectious disease modelers, and emerging and vaccine…
East Asia Program
Einaudi Center for International Studies
8:30 pm
Come learn about opportunities for Cornell faculty to conduct joint research with Zhejiang University (ZJU)!
This virtual meetup will include:
a featured presentation on research supported by a 2022 ZJU-Cornell Joint Seed Grant: Improving crop yield through fundamental understanding of the control of…
Einaudi Center for International Studies
Southeast Asia Program
8:00 pm
A workshop by GETSEA.
Have you always wanted to present a paper at the Association for Asian Studies annual meeting? But you can’t find a panel that fits your work, and you don’t know how to gather other scholars to create a panel of your own?
Join GETSEA for an informal discussion with Tom Pepinsky (…
Institute for European Studies
3:30 pm
281 Ives Hall Faculty Wing, Doherty Lounge
New book edited by Jens Arnholz and Bjarke Refslund. Bjarke Refslund will present the book, and Andrew Wolf, Adam Mrozowicki, Vincenzo Maccarone, and Ian Greer will provide critical commentary
Southeast Asia Program
8:00 pm
Lincoln Hall, B20
Visiting artist Gondrong Gunarto joins the Cornell Gamelan Ensemble in a program featuring the livelier side of the traditional repertoire, followed by collaborations with gamelan-indie-rock sensation Twin Court.
Preceded at 5pm by a showcase of new work by students in MUSIC 2130 Collaborative Creativity
Latin American and Caribbean Studies
6:00 pm
Stimson Hall, G25
Come to the LRC to practice your language skills and meet new people. Conversation Hours provide an opportunity to use the target language in an informal, low-pressure atmosphere. Have fun practicing a language you are learning! Gain confidence through experience! Just using your new language skills helps you learn…
Southeast Asia Program
5:00 pm
Join us on Zoom to practice your Thai skills and meet new people. Conversation Hours provide an opportunity to use the target language in an informal, low-pressure atmosphere. Have fun practicing a language you are learning! Gain confidence through experience! Just using your new language skills helps you learn…
East Asia Program
Southeast Asia Program
South Asia Program
1:30 pm
Kroch Library
The student curators from the course, ASIAN2272 Food and Asia, will present their selection of Asian cookbooks to the public.
Learn about Asian food cultures and themes, and get a taste of the rich selection of cookbooks in Cornell University Library's collections.
The tour begins at the cases…
East Asia Program
7:30 pm
Goldwin Smith Hall, HEC auditorium (132)
The Korean Language Program is proud to present its 15th annual Korean showcase. The representatives from each Korean class will present their respective final projects of the semester. For the general audience, their presentation will be in English, but through their various demonstrations, you will be able to get…
Einaudi Center for International Studies
4:15 pm
Sociology Student Lounge (Room 6112) at the CUNY Graduate Center.
Part of the Immigration Seminar Series
International Migration StudiesADMISSION PRICE
If you'd like to participate online, please register here to receive the Zoom link.
Shannon Gleeson is the Edmund Ezra Day Professor at…
Southeast Asia Program
East Asia Program
4:00 pm
Physical Sciences Building, 120
Join us for this talk by Roald Hoffmann, Nobel laureate in chemistry and Frank H. T. Rhodes Professor of Humane Letters, Emeritus, at Cornell.
At this event, Hoffmann pays tribute to his former colleagues Tang Ao-Qing (1915–2008, former president of Jilin University) and Lu Jiaxi (1915–2001, former…
Einaudi Center for International Studies
South Asia Program
12:15 pm
Uris Hall, G08
Talk by Tariq Thachil (Political Science, University of Pennsylvania)
Urban citizens in low-income democracies rarely hold elected officials accountable for toxic air. To understand why, we fielded a large citizen survey in Delhi, India, a highly polluted megacity where voters rarely prioritize air pollution…
South Asia Program
12:00 pm
Stimson Hall, G25
Come to the LRC to practice your language skills and meet new people. Conversation Hours provide an opportunity to use the target language in an informal, low-pressure atmosphere. Have fun practicing a language you are learning! Gain confidence through experience! Just using your new language skills helps you learn…
Latin American and Caribbean Studies
11:00 am
Join us on Zoom to practice your Portuguese skills and meet new people. Conversation Hours provide an opportunity to use the target language in an informal, low-pressure atmosphere. Have fun practicing a language you are learning! Gain confidence through experience! Just using your new language skills helps you…
Einaudi Center for International Studies
East Asia Program
10:00 am
Physical Sciences Building, 401
Day 2: Pandemic Archives: Media, Geopolitics, and Temporalities of Crisis
About this workshop:
As the world enters its fourth year living with COVID-19, this workshop critically examines our conceptual tools for capturing this chronic crisis and its seismic impact on global geopolitics and humanistic…