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World in Focus Briefs

Research and Policy Insights from Einaudi Experts

Explore recent research publications and op-eds by our faculty. Their global perspectives help put our world in focus.

"Democracy has to be continually practiced and improved,” says Einaudi director Rachel Riedl in an article recently published in the peer-reviewed journal World Politics. Read coverage of findings from our democratic threats team.
Mostafa Minawi has received the Middle East Studies Association's Albert Hourani Book Award for "Losing Istanbul: Arab-Ottoman Imperialists and the End of Empire."
Jamaican poet Ishion Hutchinson contributes to Einaudi's inequalities, identities, and justice global research priority. "I can hear a poem before it arrives," he says in this Guardian interview.
Afghan political scientist and Global Public Voices fellow Sharif Hozoori joined Cornell in August 2021 as a visiting scholar at Einaudi’s South Asia Program. He describes his situation as a scholar under threat and his vision for an egalitarian Afghanistan.
In a coauthored article in The Conversation, Einaudi director Rachel Beatty Riedl writes: "Demonstrators ... sought to resist the democratic backsliding of a country that was a model in the region."
Global Public Voices fellow Alexandra Dufresne argues that Onondaga County's emergency order banning housing and transport of NYC asylum-seekers undercuts the upstate tech industry's planned growth.