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Valerie Hans, Law
This piece on a common trial strategy among Kyle Rittenhouse, Elizabeth Holmes and Travis McMichael references research co-written by Valerie Hans,...
Einaudi Center Welcomes Women Scholars
“The events that brought these students here are traumatic, but their stories demonstrate real bravery and leadership,” said VP Wendy Wolford.
by Claire Cororaton, Ph.D. candidate in history
As featured in the Fall 2021 SEAP Bulletin, Claire Cororaton's article on the "History of Philippine Studies at Cornell" covers a wide array of...
Christine Leuenberger, PACS
Prof. Leuenberger (STS) may now serve as a faculty advisor and committee member in the peace studies minor field of study in the Graduate School. The...
CFA: post-doctoral or pre-doctoral research fellow in Korean studies
The Cornell East Asia Program is accepting applications for a post-doctoral or pre-doctoral research fellow in residence at Cornell (Ithaca Campus)...
“Dimon’s apology shows the degree of deference foreign businesses have to show to the Chinese government in order to remain in its good graces and...
Daniel Alpert, CRADLE
“That the unique historical and economic circumstances of the 1970s gave rise to a near cultish obsession with changes in price levels, shunting aside...
Valerie Hans, Law
Valerie Hans, professor of law, explains that the jury is likely using a meticulous, evidence-based approach due to the amount of time that has passed...
Undergrads Join Faculty-led Global Research
Laidlaw connects students with mentors, international projects, training, and support. Apply now to be a Laidlaw scholar or faculty mentor!
by REN Chao, Elisebeth Doty, and Ava White
As featured in the Fall 2021 SEAP Bulletin, this article highlights an exciting new partnership between two consortia on Southeast Asian studies that...