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Laidlaw Scholar Kobi Rassnick on tackling food insecurity through animal welfare and connecting with inspiring peers.
Saule Omarova, Cornell Law
This piece features the life and work of Saule Omarova, professor of law, and the banking lobby’s campaign against Omarova after she was nominated to...
Eswar Prasad, SAP
“It’s an important step, although it’s not a huge one, if one thinks about the progress China has made in building up its physical and soft...
Gustavo Flores-Macias, Government
Gustavo Flores-Macias, associate vice provost for international affairs, writes this opinion piece arguing that inflation levels are likely to be most...
December 1 at 12:00 p.m.
Professor Gao Yunxiang, History, Ryerson University, explores a chapter from her new book Arise, Africa! Roar, China! Black and Chinese Citizens...
There is a long-standing debate over whether Taiwan is part of China. Beijing insists that not only is Taiwan part of China, it is part of the...
LACS Hosts Instructor Soledad Chango of Ecuador
The most widely spoken Indigenous language in the Americas is back this fall. Meet Chango—and celebrate #IEW2021 with Einaudi, Nov. 15-19!
Go Global Ed Podcast
Thank you to the International and Foreign Language Education (IFLE) office for talking to us about our UISFL grant on their new Go Global Ed podcast!...
Tamara Loos, SEAP
Professor Tamara Loos, SEAP Core Faculty, is quoted here in a Bloomberg article.
Tom Pepinsky, SEAP
Tom Pepinsky of the Southeast Asia Program is featured on a recent episode of the Language Resource's Center Podcast.