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Sarah Kreps, PACS
For the requirements the Biden administration is imposing on semiconductor companies that accept government funds, "there's no free lunch," says Sarah...
Eswar Prasad, SAP/Einaudi
Eswar Prasad, professor of economics and international trade policy, says that it will take a while to build the financial infrastructure to sidestep...
Mabel Berezin, IES
"Meloni is the first Italian Prime Minister whose Fratelli d’Italia party could claim an institutional link to Benito Mussolini’s Fascist Party,"...
Stephen Yale-Loehr, Migrations/Einaudi
“It is very hard to win a settlement from the U.S. government and agents in immigration enforcement cases. The outcome is particularly important...
Eswar Prasad, SAP
“There’s clearly been a splintering of the G20...The fact that the U.S. clearly has so much power to take action against a geopolitical rival is a...
Nicholas Mulder, IES/PACS
“If the sanctioning coalition was much stronger than expected, then so was the target,” says Nicholas Mulder, assistant professor.
Nicholas Mulder, IES/PACS
“If the sanctioning coalition was much stronger than expected, then so was the target,” says Nicholas Mulder, assistant professor of history.
Jessica Chen Weiss, EAP
Jessica Chen Weiss, professor of government and public policy, discusses U.S.-China relations on PBS News Amanpour & Company.
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PhD students: Conduct your international field research with a $10,000 award. Read about Vincent Mauro’s 2021–22 award and find out how to apply.
We are saddened to report that Catherine Kelleher, a long-time participant in projects in PACS, has died.