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Eswar Prasad, SAP

“The desire of many reserve managers to diversify away from dollar-denominated assets might help to marginally bolster the yen’s share in the coming...

Alexandra Cirone, IES

“Companies adopt community standards and content moderation policies to keep platforms safe, or to keep their user base happy,” says Alexandra Cirone,...

Sabrina Karim, PACS/SAP/IAD

Awarded an NSF Career award, Professor Sabrina Karim in the Government Department is developing research on the domestic and global politics of police...

Maria Cristina García, LACS

“You’ll recall that after the Mariel Boatlift of 1980, thousands of Cubans were detained indefinitely, across the United States, because Cuba refused...

Barry Strauss, PACS

Barry Strauss, professor of history and classics, writes this analysis about peace talks between Russia and Ukraine. 

Eswar Prasad, SAP

“The already extensive disruptions to global supply chains are being exacerbated by the lockdowns in China, adding to inflationary pressures and...

Nicholas Mulder, IES

Nicholas Mulder, assistant professor of history, writes this opinion piece on why sanctions on Russia won’t win the war. 

Mildred Warner, IES/LACS

Mildred Warner, professor of global development and city & regional planning, says that local governments will need help from state governments to get...

Eswar Prasad, SAP

Eswar Prasad, professor of international trade policy and economics, discusses the impact China’s zero-COVID policy will have on its economy.

Sarah Kreps, PACS

Sarah Kreps, professor of government, discusses sanctions and Russia’s assault on Eastern Ukraine.