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The Role of Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in Ensuring Protection and...

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 10:00am EST / 2:00pm GMT    Open to the public | Registration via Zoom The importance of human protection and security...

New Article from Migrations Postdoc Eleanor Paynter

Anti-migration sentiments persist across Europe despite countries welcoming Ukrainians fleeing war.

Tristan Ivory, Kristin Roebuck, Chantal Thomas

"This is really an opportunity to break out of our academic silos and learn from one another," said Kristin Roebuck, assistant professor of...

ICC Grants and Fulbright-Hays FRA

Get funding support for your international teaching and research. Letters of intent due in June! Find out how to apply.

Diverse research interests and backgrounds

The East Asia Program seeks to support research that expands and redirects the scope of East Asian Studies, providing more diverse, more inclusive,...

Cristina Florea, Global Public Voices and IES

A Foreign Affairs op-ed from Cristina Florea (IES) explains why empires and nativism don’t mix: "From history, Putin has recycled not those...

Landon Schnabel, GPV

Landon Schnabel, assistant professor of sociology, discusses how gender and socioeconomic status impact healthcare access. 

Eswar Prasad, SAP

“One lesson that China is probably taking from the fallout is it remains vulnerable to financial, economic and technological sanctions,” says Eswar...

Barry Strauss, PACS

Barry Strauss, professor of humanistic studies, writes this piece about the history of disinformation during war.

Take the preparatory course this fall!

Heritage, History, and Identity in CambodiaMagnus FiskesjöWinter Session 2023Siem Reap and Phnom Penh, Cambodia