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Eswar Prasad, SAP
Although the greenback’s dominance remains assured, the yuan will get a boost from countries looking to skirt the dollar, said Eswar Prasad, senior...
Jessica Chen Weiss, EAP
This article notes an op-ed Jessica Chen Weiss, professor of government and public policy, wrote in Foreign Affairs that suggested China and the U.S....
Rachel Bezner Kerr, Einaudi
Rachel Bezner Kerr, professor of global development, discusses approaches that can reduce the need for food aid and build more resilient farming...
Fall 2022 Einaudi Center News
Don't miss this fall's wealth of opportunities for Cornell faculty and students and our partners around the world.
100 Years of Economic Development
September 15–17: Kaushik Basu, Einaudi, and Cornell's Department of Economics welcome economists from around the world. Find out how to attend.
Eswar Prasad, SAP
“The Bitcoin experiment is working as well as one might have expected – which is not too well,” said Eswar Prasad, senior professor of trade...
20 partner universities in 11 locations
New initiative expands opportunities, provides infrastructure, and greases the wheels for faculty, alumni, and students across the university.
This part-time (20 hrs/week) position with the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies will develop, plan and implement short- and long-range...
Caribbean Reparations Leader to Speak
Coming September 16: Don't miss this important lecture at 4:30 p.m. in Rhodes-Rawlings Auditorium (Klarman Hall).
Nine Undergraduates Become Cornellians
"I’m now living in a bigger world, with a different view than the world I was in."