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Cornell Contemporary China Initiative's Fall Theme

The Cornell Contemporary China Initiative (CCCI) lecture series aims to expose the broad campus community to issues and scholarship of contemporary...

GPV Fellow Kysel Co-authors Report

Ian Kysel co-authors a report recommending that the United States government take immediate, tangible measures to dismantle structural racism.

The Geography of Disease and Health in Southeast Asia

The consortium for Graduate Education and Training in Southeast Asian Studies (GETSEA) is offering one free and virtual mini-courses this fall, open...

Sarah Kreps, PACS

Sarah Kreps, professor and director of the Cornell Tech Policy Lab, says China semiconductor chip imports, including from Taiwan, "have become almost...

Nicholas Mulder, IES

“While the use of sanctions has surged, their odds of success have plummeted,” says Nicholas Mulder, assistant professor of history, in his book “The...

Sarah Kreps, PACS

"I think both the U.S. and China are starting to become a bit more pragmatic when it comes to semiconductors,” says Sarah Kreps, professor of...

Raymond Craib, LACS

This piece features the new book Adventure Capitalism by Raymond Craib, professor of American history. 

Ravi Kanbur, PACS/SAP

This piece references research by Ravi Kanbur, professor of economics and policy, suggesting global inequality may rise in steady fashion for years to...

Stephen Yale-Loehr, Migrations

Stephen Yale-Loehr, professor of immigration law, agrees that Border Patrol agents won’t hand out Social Security numbers. Loehr says, “Even if they...

Sarah Kreps, PACS

“People in emerging markets have always found ways to move their capital out of the country to seek a more stable currency,” says Sarah Krepps,...