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"Intellectual Giant" Muna Ndulo
Ndulo led and strengthened faculty research partnerships, cooperative events, and internships for Cornell students across 20 years.
Joseph Magulies, PACS
“The mere fact that the feds got involved as a separate prosecution is unusual. Most cases of police shootings, even with multiple co-defendants, do...
Wilbard Kombe, Professor, Urban Land Management, and Director, Institute of...
Understanding the Make-up of Community in Basic Service Delivery Projects: Retrospective Analysis of a Co-production in Dar es Salaam
Eswar Prasad, SAP
Eswar Prasad, senior professor of trade policy, appears on this podcast to discuss the evolution of money.
Stephen Yale-Loehr, Migrations
Codifying DACA may not ultimately defend it from efforts to strike it down in the future argue Stephen Yale-Loehr, professor of immigration law...
Honored as Emerging Leader by National Academy of Medicine
One of Einaudi's Migrations faculty fellows, Kaur has "dedicated her career to advancing the health of forcibly displaced individuals."
Rachel Bezner Kerr, Einaudi
Rachel Bezner Kerr, professor of global development, discusses how the food security crisis could be negatively impacted if reductions in greenhouse...
Japan in Transregional and Transtemporal Perspective
The Department of Asian Studies at Cornell University is seeking applicants for a tenure-track/early tenure position based on research related to...
Bob Hockett, CRADLE
“The short answer to the question of debt forgiveness is that it all comes down to politics: which groups are favored by elite lawmakers, and which...
Jessica Chen Weiss on the Sinica Podcast
On the China Project's weekly Sinica Podcast, Jessica Chen Weiss, Cornell University associate professor of Government and recent advisor to the U.S....