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Imagining a New Myanmar: The Views of Ethnic Minority Groups

April 29, 2024

1:00 pm

Kahin Center

Since the Myanmar military seized power in Burma/Myanmar in a coup d’état in February 2021, People's Defense Forces (PDF) and Ethnic Revolutionary Organizations (ERO) have been fighting to remove this military regime and restore civilian government. In this context, ethnic minority leaders in the country appear determined to seize the current opportunity to propose a fundamental renegotiation of the political and governance arrangements in Myanmar, addressing the historic grievances of the ethnic minorities – and Bamar political leaders have also expressed their willingness to work with all ethnic groups.

This panel of ethnic minority leaders will discuss the structure of a new Myanmar, with a particular focus on the views and expectations of the ethnic minorities.

This panel discussion will take place at the Kahin Center, 640 Stewart Ave; and via Zoom. For questions, contact


1. Evelyn Lyn, Vice-Chairperson, Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC)

Around 90 percent of Karenni State is no longer under the control of the Military regime. In these areas the KSCC and Karenni armed groups have established a functioning local administration. Evelyn will discuss how the people involved in establishing these new governance structures in Karenni State envisage the new federal, democratic Myanmar.

2. Aung Kyaw Moe, Deputy Minister of Human Rights, National Unity Government

As a prominent, young Rohingya human rights activist, he will discuss how marginalized groups, such as the Rohingya, might fit into the new Myanmar.

3. Naw Hser Hser, a representative of the Women's League of Burma and the Karen Women's Organization.

Naw Say Say will discuss expectations for the future of Myanmar from the perspective of an ERO with a history of governing areas under its control.

4. Zo Tum Hmung, Executive Director, Chin Association of Maryland, and former Executive Director, the Ethnic Nationalities Affairs Center-Union of Burma (ENAC)

Chin armed groups now control a large part of Chin State and are aiming for a similar status to that enjoyed by Mizoram in India. Zo Tum Hmung will discuss the current situation in Chin State and the expectations of the Chin for a new Myanmar.

5. Moon Nay Li, Joint Secretary of the Women's League of Burma

6. Sao Khuen Sai, journalist, and leading advisor to the Chairman of the Restoration Council of Shan State, and a former rebel leader

Shan State has the most varied ethnic population and the largest number of EROs of any State or Region in Myanmar. The military recently lost control of large parts of northern Shan State to Kachin, Kokant, Ta’ang, and Wa resistance groups. Sao Khuen Sai will discuss the changing dynamics of ethnic politics in Shan State and how the different ethnic groups in Shan State might envisage the new Myanmar.

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Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies

Southeast Asia Program